New Light on Tantra (Accounts of Some Tantras, Both Hindu and Buddhist, Alchemy in Tantra Tantric Therapy, List of Unpublished Tantras, etc.) (An Old Book)

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Item Code: NAG353
Author: S.C. Banerji
Language: English
Edition: 1992
ISBN: 818509456
Pages: 740
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 700 gm
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Book Description
About The Book

The book like its predecessor seeks to set forth a history of Tantra in India. Our attention has been paid chiefly to Tantric Therapy, a Mother neglected field. In it not only Hindu Tantras but also Buddhist Tantras have been dealt with and the influence of Tantra on life literature, music art and architecture have been described. Some important works both Hindu and Buddhist have been carefully analysed. A novel feature of this book is a list of unpublished Tantras in India and abroad.

This work has no pretention to completeness. This is to some extent a pioneering work on certain aspects of Tantra. It is expected to be useful to readers.


About The Author

Dr. S.C Banerjee, retired Professor of Sanskrit, Department of Education, Government of West Bengal, devoted thirty years of his life to teaching. Research has been his hobby ever since his student days. He has over 30 published works to his credit on various aspects of Indology.

These include Kalidasa-Kosa, Indian Society in the Mahabharata, A Companion to Sanskrit Literature, Dharmasutras, Tantra in Bengal, etc. His Bengali work, Smrtisastre Vangali, earned him a Rabindra Memorial Prize, the highest literary award of the Government of West Bengal. Deeply interested in the sociology of ancient India. He is engaged in the study of different aspects of it. Soma of his works have earned the acclaim of scholars, both Indian and foreign.



This Author's A Brief History of Tantra Literature ( 1988 ) appears to have been popular among the lovers of indology- The author has got appreciative response from scholars of such far-off countries as England, Switzerland and Russia. Some Indian specia- lists in Tantra expressed the desire that the author should continue his studies in Tantra shedding further light on this vast literature.

For the above reasons, the present work was undertaken. It is partly a supplement to the aforesaid Brief History of Tantra Literature in the sense that the contents of some more Tantras have heen analysed and some Tantras, briefly referred to in the earlier work, have been dealt with in greater detail.

The most novel feature of this work is Tantric Therapy which, as far as the author is aware, has not yet been dealt with by any author in English.

In this work, an attempt has been made to give accounts of some Tantras, both Hindu and Buddhist. The works of Goraksa natha and the Gheranda-samhita are predominantly works on Yoga. We have included them as they contain much of Tantric elements.

For the convenience of the readers, particularly of researchers, several appendices have been added. The highlights of the appendices are geographical information, accounts of Pithasthanas and some other places, information about Tantras dealing with Yoga and the place of Caitanya in Tantra. The last appendix gives a list of unpublished Tantras in India and abroad, with their respective places of deposit.

No work now-a-days is deemed to be complete without a Glossary of important technical terms relating to the subject in hand and a Bibliography. These two, being concerned with the same subject as in the Brief History, referred to above, are practically the same as in the previous work. To some, the Glossary and the Bibliography may appear to be repetitive. This cannot be helped under the circumstances stated above.

The author takes this opportunity to thank his wife, Sm. Ramala Devi, and his daughters, Prof. Dr. Chhanda Chakraborty and Sm. Sarmila Chattopadhyay, for their ungrudging help but for which it would not have been possible for the author to translate his dream into reality.

The author's labour, spread over a number of years, will be rewarded if the present work proves to be of some use to those who are genuinely interested in the various aspects of Tantra literature.




  Preface vii
  Chronological Table xvii
  Tara-tantra 1
  Kramadipika 10
  Kulacudamani 13
  Bhutasuddhi -tantra 14
  Brhannila-tantra 15
  Devikalottaragama 19
  Gherandha-samhita 23
  Philosophy of Goraksanatha 28
  Gorak sa-samhita 31
  Hayasirsa-pancaratra 36
  Kamaratna-tantra 40
  Kramadipika 44
  Mantramahodadhi 47
  Merutantra 48
  Pancaratra-prasada-prasadhana 50
  Paramananda-tantra 51
  Phetkarini-tantra 54
  Srividyarnava-tantra 55
  Tantrasamgraha 63
  Tantrasara' samgraha 68
  Tantra-samuccaya 69
  Tantrasuddha- prakarana 70
  Tripura-rahasya 72
  Vamakesvari-mata 76
  Vinasikha-tantra 78
  Tantric works of Lak sesvara Ratha 82
  Brahmayamala 83
  Jayadrathayamala 86
  Pingalamata 90
  Sammoha-tantra 92
  References 95
  General Remarks 99
  Nirvana and Mahasukha 105
  Schools of Tantric Buddhism 106
  Vajrayana 106
  Mantrayana 108
  Adikarma-pradipa 111
  Candamaharosana-tantra 111
  Guhyasamaja-tanstra 112
  Mahakala-tantra 113
  Manjusri-mulakalpa 113
  Pancakrama 113
  SadhanamaJa - a note 115
  Samvarodaya-tantra 117
  Siddha-nagarjuna-kaksaputa 118
  Sricakrasambhara-tantra 122
  Tara-ralasya 122
  Tara-tantra 122
  Alchemy and Chemistry in Tantra 123
  Tantric works on alchemy and chemistry 128
  Authors whose works are unknown 130
  Dhatuvada 131
  Kakacandesvari-mata-tantra 134
  Matrkabheda-tantra 134
  Rasacintamani 138
  Rasahrdaya of Bhik su Govinda 139
  Rasakalpa 141
  Rasaprakasa-sudhakara 143
  Rasaratnakara 145
  Rasarnava 148
  Rasarnavn-kalpa 155
  Rasedracudamani of Somadeva 161
  Suresvara-rasayana 162
  Yantras 165
  Tantric Therapy 168
A Podiatrica 170
B Diseases of men 174
C Diseases of Women 178
D Diseases common to men and women 185
1 Urinary diseases 185
2 Diseases of eyes 188
3 Diseases of the ears 211
4 Ailments of the head (Siroroga)  
5 Diseases affecting face and mouth 233
6 Finger-disease 224
7 Diseases of testicles 224
8 Maladies of throat and neck  
9 Diseases affecting the anus  
10 Sore, injury, wound (Ksata, Vrana), Burn Cut etc. 229
11 Klinna, Vrana, Vicarcika, Pama- 232
12 Premature wrinkles and senile decay ( Bali ) 232
13 Skin-diseases- 232
14 Fracture, Dislocation of bone (Chinna-bhinna-cyutasthi- 235
15 Granthi (Ka) (knotting or swelling and hardening 235
16 Malodorous body ( Gatra-daurgandhya ) 236
17 Fever 237
18 Consumption 246
19 Swelling 246
20 Hrtsula 247
21 Vata 247
22 Vomiting 247
23 Extraction of Thorns, etc 248
24 Jalagardabha 248
25 Pain 248
26 Sinus 249
27 Elephantiaisis ( Slipala ) 250
28 Obesity 251
29 Measles 252
30 Vidradhi ( Abscess) 253
31 Tumour ( Arbuda ) 254
32 Visarpa (Erysipelas) 254
33 Worms ( Krini ) 256
34 Effect of Toxin ( Visaroga ) 257
  Samkaracarya as a Tantric teacher and preceptor 305
  Pithasthanas mentioned in Tantra 308
  Geographical information in Tantra 311
  List of noteworthy Tantras dealing with Yoga 315
  Tradition about and names of Tantric Gurus 319
  Tantric works on principal deities 324
  Tantric works mentioning Caitanya 329
  Luptagama-samgraha 331
  List of unpublished Tantric Texts 337
  Glossary 552
  Bibliography 652
  Index 686
  Errata 698
  List of lllustration 699


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