Fisherman - Colorful Abstract Painting | Acrylic on Canvas | By Aneesh Bandadka

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"A Fisherman's Lifepath" is an abstract acrylic painting by Aneesh Bandadka that weaves a tale of inspiration and moral awakening. Through vibrant colors and bold strokes, the artist illustrates the symbiotic relationship between fishermen and fish, reminding us that the circle of life exists for a reason and aids us in maintaining the interconnectedness with nature. The story within the strokes reveals the fisherman's struggle and his respect for the ocean's bounties. It serves as a powerful metaphor, urging us to value and protect our natural resources while imparting the moral message that harmony and balance between humans and nature are key to sustainable existence.

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4 to 6 weeks
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CA$208.60 (20%)
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Item Code: WSA946
Artist: Aneesh Bandadka
Acrylic on Canvas
Dimensions 24.00 inch Height X 18.00 inch Width
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100% Made in India
100% Made in India
Fair trade
Fair trade
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