Showing 1501 to 1510 of 1511 results
Showing 1501 to 1510 of 1511 results
The Ethereal White Tara, Tibetan Buddhist Devi In Superfine Brocadeless Thangka
White Tara is one of the great Bodhisattvas who confers longevity on Her devotees. Her strange prowess was actually revealed to Vagishvarakirti, an Indian sage who then captured Her in a series of three texts called Cheating Death. He further passed these on to Atisha, a Buddhist master, who had these tajen to and translated into Tibetan in 1042. It is said that White Tara had always been Atisha's guardian deity, having looked after him since his childhood and appeared in his visions. Today, the White Tara practice comes to us through more than one lineages. Gampopa, Milarepa's disciple and founder of the Kagyupa Order, is one line of transmission; Gedundrup, the first Dalai Lama, is another. The thangka on this page is a picture of the devotion that She inspires in the hearts of the pure to this day.

The White Tara is the very picture of beauty and serenity. As if sculpted from a pearl, She is bedecked with gold and jewels, rubies and emeralds and turquoises no less. Her pastel-coloured silks and sashes float about Her body, setting off the graceful poorna-padmasana that She has assumed. Clouds and lotuses and wild Tibetan foliage, all quintessential elements of the traditional thangka, frame Her figure, seated as She is on a gorgeously coloured lotus in full bloom. The aureole that surrounds Her has been painted in intricate detail. The foresty green hue of Her halo, rimmed with gold lotus petals, sprouts shocks of ethereal greenery throughout the circumference. Beneath Her lotus-pedestal is a hint of the ocean's blue, at the mouth of which is a bunch of precious Buddhist offerings. Two wrathful deities surrounded by their respective flame-aureoles hold up to Her a plateful more of offerings each.

The beauteous countenance of Tara is framed by lengthened earlobes, and a tiara of gold, jewels, and flowers rests on Her brow. Her half-shut eyes radiate an otherworldly calm and collectedness possible only for a deity as powerful as She is. Note the eyes on the palms of Her hands as well as the soles of Her feet.

12" The Exquisite Rudratandava In Brass | Handmade | Made In India
  • Indian Cocoa
  • Antique
  • Antique Brown
  • Patina Gold
  • Green Chola
  • Amazing Green Chola
  • Chola
  • Natural Brass
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12" The Exquisite Rudratandava In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

To Shiva's tandava, there is no match. He is Nataraja, the lord (raja) of the very form of dance (nata). His tandava has the power to destroy the universe, and ready it for creation and preservation again. The beauty of His tandava inspires numerous painters and sculptors in the subcontinent, and this is a fine example of that inspiration. Fashioned from brass and given a range of finishes to suit your space, this dancing Shiva would be a valuable addition to the territory of any Shiva devotee. Sculpted after the lissome musculature of a true yogi, this lifelike portrayal of Rudratandava with a leg raised above the head is a rare piece of iconography. His graceful hands, the anterior ones, are in the usual abhaya-and-aashirvaad stance of the more popular Nataraja; while the posterior hands bear a damru that resonates with the creative naad (Sanskrit for 'sound'), and a flame that destroys all that is created. In this light, this murti is a picture of the cycle of dynamic existence.

The rest of His iconography is replete with the usual details that set the Indian iconography apart from the rest of the world. Shiva performs the Rudratandava upon the skilfully engraved base of an inverted lotus. He is dressed in a short dhoti that sits snugly around the thigh, a richly embroidered sash from which emerges down to the pedestal. This single garment is held in place by an ornate taselled kamarband that He wears right below the navel. The janeu cascades diagonially down His handsome torso, while a clutch of necklaces spreads about His neck and shoulders. The multiple bracelets on each of His arms and the anklets on His dancing feet complete His divine shringar. The most striking aspect of this composition is the awe-inspiring composure of countenance - superbly graceful features are complemented by the symmetry of the face and the large kundala-adorned ears. The magnificent, slender crown that towers atop His brow sets off the roundness of the same.

21" Harihara, An Example Of Eclectic Indian Iconography In Brass | Handmade | Made In India
  • Black With Natural Brass
  • Indian Cocoa
  • Bronze Hue
  • Patina Gold
  • Antique Green Gold
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21" Harihara, An Example Of Eclectic Indian Iconography In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

Harihara is a lesser-known deity from the Hindu pantheon. He emerges from the amalgamation of Vishnu and Shiva, the preserver and destroyer of the trinity right after Brahma the creator. The sublime serenity of Vishnu meets the fierce stance of Shiva in this composite deity. A number of defining contrasts characterise this composition. Shiva's jaatmukuta to Vishnu's golden crown; Shiva's flayed tresses to Vishnu's neatly arranged locks; Shiva's loincloth to Vishnu's shoti graciously descending down the length of His leg. The anterior arms belong to Shiva, one of which is raised in blessing and the other carries a mace. The posterior arms belong to Vishnu, in which He carries a conch and a lotus. Note the sharply defined countenance of Harihara: the flawless curve of the brow on which sits an elaborate tilak, the superbly symmetrical eyes, and the beauteous nose and mouth. This statue has been sculpted with great care and positioned on an inverted lotus, which in turn is placed on a layered platform.

Also known as Haryardhamurti, the origins of this deity have been propounded in the Vamanapurana. When the devas gathered before Vishnu in their search for Shiva, Vishnu revealed this form to them. Harihara could have also been formed to vanquish the arrogant demon Guhasura whom Brahma had given a boon. The boon in question stated that neither Hari (Vishnu) nor Hara (Shiva) would be able to kill him. Harihara is the deity to have overpowered and slayed Him; the place where this happened in Chitradurga, Karnataka, is now named after this deity and houses a lovely Shankaranarayana temple (Shankara is another name for Shiva; Narayana, for Vishnu). The iconography in question could be traced to centuries ago, specifically to the Kusana period of Indian history.

16" The Buddha In Bhumisparsha Mudra, At The Juncture Of Enlightenment In Brass | Handmade | Made In India
  • Amazing Patina
  • Green Chola
  • Antique Green
  • Red Chola
  • Super Antique
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16" The Buddha In Bhumisparsha Mudra, At The Juncture Of Enlightenment In Brass | Handmade | Made In India
The bhumisparsha mudra is an interesting gesture assumed by no other deity than the Buddha. In Sanskrit, 'bhumi' means earth and 'sparsha' means to touch. The Buddha sits in the gracious shade of the Bodhi tree, His long limbs folded in the perfect padmasana. He is steeped in meditation as could be deduced from his composure of countenance, sculpted flawlessly from brass given multiple finishes. The piece of cloth that enrobes Him is a simple bordered garment, whose style is consummate with the finish of the sculpture. One hand rests on His lap in dhaya mudra; the other gently touches the ground that runs beneath His asana (seat) in the famous bhumisparsha mudra.
13" The Serenity Of Vajrasattva, The Adi-Buddha In Brass | Handmade | Made In India
The signature element of Vajrasattva's iconography is the pristine silvery skin. It represents this tantric deity's essential qualities of purity and newness, and the ability of the mind to transcend the space-time continuum. In this light, Vajrasattva is called the Adi-Buddha, the primordial Buddha, a diamond being ('vajra' means 'diamond', 'sattva' means 'being'). He is a picturesque semblance of the spiritual faculties innate in each of us, the beginningless purity of one's nature that is unsullied by any thought or word or deed quantifiable within that continuum of human perception.

16" Shakyamuni Buddha, Ashtamangalas On His Lifelike Drape In Brass | Handmade | Made In India
  • Chola
  • Brown Gold
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16" Shakyamuni Buddha, Ashtamangalas On His Lifelike Drape In Brass | Handmade | Made In India
The Buddha is radiant. His skin is flawless, His form is cast in the best proportions of a man. In Sanskrit, 'buddha' means a higher-order awakening, an awakening to the primordial realities of compassion and self-existent wisdom. Each of the finishes this statue comes in brings out the enlightened beauty of His being in full measure. Indeed, this handpicked Buddha is not a mere object of worship: it is a mirror of the innermost layer of your being. Pick a variation suited to your space and temperament, and let this be the icon of your journey from ignorance to illumination.

At the juncture of awakening, when the former prince of a North Indian warring clan transitioned from the hungering acetic to the Buddha Himself, He touched (sparsha) a finger to the earth (bhumi), invoking it as His witness. The sootras narrate how the grahas (planets) came to a standstill and the entirety of jivas (living creatures) made their obeisance to Him. Despite being beyond the scope of art and literature, the superb brasswork captures the glamour of Shakyamuni's unsurpassed awakening. "Do not look to me," Shakyamuni had said, "but to the enlightenment state."

30" Vishnu, The Tejasvi In Brass | Handmade | Made In India
  • Brown Silver Gold
  • Natural Brass
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30" Vishnu, The Tejasvi In Brass | Handmade | Made In India
Hinduism is a very complex dharma, and Vishnu its most complex deity. Part of the holy trinity comprising of Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver), and Shiva (destroyer), to Vaishnavas He is the overlord while Brahma and Shiva merely do His bidding. His form is boundless, character non-specific, influence wide-ranging. His slender crown looms atop His head, at the back of which glows an engaved angular halo.
14" Divinity Of Nataraja's Tandava In Brass | Handmade | Made In India
  • Amazing Black Gold
  • Black Gold
  • Antique Brown Silver Gold
  • Black Green
  • Double Chola
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14" Divinity Of Nataraja's Tandava In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

The first impression gleaned from a cursory glance at the Nataraja is one of dynamic energy. In stark contrast to the Mahayogin image of Shiva wherein His divine energies are seemingly drawn inward, Nataraja exudes His force in all eight directions. His presence pervades all spaces, across all quanta of time. His limbs are in natyasthana: the right foot crushes the pulverises the apasmara that is the very picture of tamas, while the left foot is raised mid-air to the right of His torso.

28" Standing Saraswati, Music Flowing From Her Veena In Brass | Handmade | Made In India
In the celebration of all things fluid, the word 'Saraswati' in Sanskrit means '(feminine) one who flows', like a river. The Vedic concept of reality is indeed riverine: all nature is in flux, and in the ephemeral lies the essential. Hence Saraswati is the deity that presides over life itself, the very picture of its aspects that are characterised by fluidity. Language comes to mind; so do song and music and dance. In due course of time, Saraswati began to be associated with learning and the arts. She is the devi of wisdom and scientific temper, mother of the Vedas (Vedamata), mistress of music (the performing arts), and the muse of poets and painters.
The Ethereal Majesty Of Shiva-parivar | Handmade |
The Ethereal Majesty Of Shiva-parivar | Handmade |
Bangalore bronzes are unparalleled in terms of finished beauty. No wonder the artistic appeal of bronze as a medium, as opposed to brass, is greater. It has a whiff of the superlative and the elite about it. Bronze metal-sculpting is an ancient skill that developed in the Southern tip of the subcontinent under the patronage of the Chola monarchs, and as such is superior to brass-working or even wax modelling. In other words it is the perfect mixed media to cast the divine concept of Shiva-parivar in.

The much-revered Shiva parivar comprises of His wife, Parvati, and Their 2 sons, Ganesha and Kartika. Shiva Himself takes centrestage. His two posterior arms are holding divine weapons to battle adharma; He raises one anterior hand in blessing, while with the other He secures the lovely Parvati on His lap. She is also seated in lalitasana, and holds in Her hand a weapon. The harmonious, self-sufficient unit of life that They form together is superbly expressed in the way Their respective silhouettes have been made to align with each other by the artisans. Their intricately crafted, perfectly symmetrical crowns tower above Their heads, Their silk dhoties and ample shringar fit for the celestial realm They belong to. Seated in union on a layered lotus pedestal, with the graceful much-devoted Nandi sitting at the base, They form a complete picture of blissful togetherness.

They are flanked by Ganesha and Kartika, each of Whom has been sculpted with Their iconographies intact. From Ganesha's adorable elephant head, the baby fat on His form, and the humungous laddoo in His hand; to Kartika's radiant handsomeness and the sublime proportions of His form. Like Their parents, Their shringar is flawless and Their stance that of great benevolence and blessing. They are each on a much smaller layered lotus pedestal, which together with Shiva-Parvati's seat are placed on an elaborate stand decorated with petal engravings. The aureole equals it in maginificence. The sheer detailing on each layer - the outermost wave-like curves, followed by the twisted lotus petals, the smooth rim as if of a halo, more twisted petals, and two rings engraved with rangoli-esque motifs - sets this ensemble apart from run-of-the-mill enshrined Shiva-parivar statues.