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Avadhuta Gita of Bhagawan Dattatreya (Lyric of Path Eternal)

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Item Code: HAZ647
Author: Anandaghana Aripirala Viswam
Publisher: Parampara Viswambhara, Hyderabad
Language: Sanskrit Text With Translieration and English Translation
Pages: 383
Other Details 8.5x5.5 inch
Weight 484 gm
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Book Description
About the Author

The person known as Anandaghana was born into a very traditional family in Nadakuduru village of Krishna district, as Aripirala Viswam a name befitting his stature His father, Sri Laxmi Narayana Sastri and his forefathers actually belonged to Vedic schiofars family from Banaras.

The vedic lineage can be traced back to nearly 33 generations. Various Peethadhipatis and personages used to consult Sri Laxmi Narayana Sastri, apart from him being the Rasthana Vidwan to Mysore Royalty and Shringeri Peetham.

Though the child Viswam was born like any normal child, the fact that he brought forward, a bundle of spiritualism from his previous birth, was evident from the fact, that the Param Guru Sri Sri Mahavatar Babaji designated a Yogi, for the child's guidance.

The boy grew-up as a true son of the soil, but displayed amazing talents in poetry, memory, arts and oratory. He went on to recieve the distinguished award from world Poetic Society in New York. He addressed the United Nation's Mystic Group and enthralled the audience, at his young age. He was ranked z as one of the 2000 most intelligent people of the planet. He was decorated with nine Doctorates from nine different countries, apart from liis own doctorate earned at Hyderabad. He was awarded the Sahitya Academy Award and went on to become a well known person in 137 countries, apart from his own state. Apart from convening the First World Telugu Conference, he embellished several posts in several Institutions as Member, or Director, or Chairman. At the height of his wealth and fame, he vanished from public life totally, in deference to the command of his Guru, accepted self imposed exile and obscurity.

He started PARAMPARAA VISWAMBHARA, a Trust dedicated for the spiritual upliftment of fellow-beings. Through his writings and commentaries, he is endeavouring to extricate SRIVIDYA, the king of Vidyas from the morass it had been discarded to, and restore it to its pristine glory. Every step has been a personal agony and every product an ecstasy.

If he is not a pet of the Divine Mother and his Guru, such writings and expositions are not possible, this will be evident from a reading of any of his works.


"Yada Yada hi dharmasya glanirbhavati Bharata... "was the promise propounded by Lord Krishna in Bagawad Gita for all times to come. We have come to believe and look forward to an emancipator, with four arms, a Messiah with miraculous powers. In this eagerness, we fail to recognize the munificent arrangements made by the almighty from time to time. Indeed, whenever there was a decline in Dharma and Values there definitely arose a person in every country in every time, who gave back to the peoples what rightly belonged to them.

In the present generation, this commentary on Avadhuta Gita, by Sri Anandaghana is one such attempt. From the center, any radius is the path to a point on the circumference of a circle. But a sphere contains several such circumferences. Anandaghana each time has boldly shown the traverse from the surface to the center again, by a different route. In this physical illusion called universe, each soul is a center and each sphere, a cosmos.

The various traverses are intertwined as a unifying Path of Light and brought gallantly within the comprehensible limits of human intellect, from the abstruse aphorisms of Lord Guru Dattatreya, called Lyric of Path Eternal. Even if one spark is ignited to make this traverse, the effort would have been worth it. The omniscient and omnipresent Sri Sri Paramguru Mahavatar Babaji's blessings would have been justified.

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