Volume - I
Gurmat Sidhant, or the Philosophy of the Masters, was originally written in Punjabi by Huzur Maharaj BabaSwan singh sant satguru of the Radha Soami Satsang Beas. The teachings Sant Mat were practised and preached by him here fro 1903 to 1948. During this period he gained a large following in India and abroad by his divine influence.
His work is now being carried ion by the presents, Maharaj Charan Singh , and the place is verily a haven of pilgrimage for tens of thousands of the followers , who come here spiritual guidance from all pars of the world especially Great Britain, other European countries , United states of America and south Africa . the book was first published, in 1943. The complete work is in two volume, comprising more tan 1000 pages each, with copious quotations from the Adi Granth , the bible, the Vedas and various other scriptures.
The preparation of the two original volumes involved extensive research and labour by the author, and as a result of this, they comprise a complete encyclopaedia of information on sant Mat, the teachings of the saints . every aspect of the teachings is discussed in the minutest detail , and is lucidly and forcefully explained fro the benefit of seekers after Truth .
The Author, as is well Known , was a Great saint. His approach to the subject is absolutely authentic , based as it is on the foundation of direct personal knowledge and inner experience. It is no exaggeration, therefore, to cal the Gurmat Sidhant the encyclopaedia of literature dealing with matters spiritual as preached and practised in accordance with Sant Mat.
The two volumes of the original work were recently published by us in Hindi, in order to give them a much wider circulation in this country. It is since been Considered necessary essary to publish the book in English, so that satsangis and seekers in the Western World, as well as English – speaking people in India , may also derive from this veritable fountainhead of divine knowledge .
For the Sake of convenience and for easier reading we have divided the two very large original volumes into smaller books . Each of the smaller books is virtually independent of the other, and we hope to presents the entire series of these smaller volumes within a short period of time.
The subject of matter is mostly devotional and will appeal directly to the heart of the reader who will , we hope, be induced to follow the various practices and types of discipline described by the author , all of which are considered essentials for a devotee who is following the spiritual path.
The reader will realize that it is into possible in a translation to reproduce the remarkably high level of expression of the original work - the terse and forceful style , the clear exposition, and the compact expressive language which were so characteristic of the author. Our principal aim has been to presents the master ‘s Message in Clear and simple language , keeping faithfully to the original meaning . The Fault if nany is ours and we ask for the indulgence of the reader for our shortcomings.
It will be found that there is a certain amount of repetition of Ideas and subject matter in almost all the chapters. We have not eliminated these repetitions , but have left them as they appeared in the original in the work . this has been done because it was felt that their elimination would detract too greatly from the forcefulness and fascination of the author’s highly individual and compelling method of expression.
I wish to acknowledge our indebtedness to our satsangi brother s and sisters – notably miss Louise Hilger , messrs Joseph Leeming and K.L. Khanna who have helped in the preparation of his book with heir untiring zeal , cooperation and labour of love. They worked hard and spared no pains in making it possible for us to complete this veritable treasure of exquisite knowledge.
Volume - II
The Original text – Gurmat Sidhant – written in Puinjabi by param sant shri satguru Baba swan singh Ji Maharaj is a fountain of sacred knowledge on all aspects of san Mat in their very minute details. The followers of Huzar Maharaj Ji are spread all over he west . It has , therefore , been deemed desirable to translate into English the inestimable material for the benefit and guidance of his satsang is and other across the seas.
The Philosophy of the Master is an English translation of Gurmat sidhant Which was first written and printed by Huzur Maharaj Baba Sawan Singh ji in about 1920. It was later on revised and enlarged by him personally and published again in about 1943 in two volumes.
The first volume of the original texts deals with the technical part of sant mat and the second discusses in minute detail all the physical , ethical , mental , moral and general aspects of spiritual discipline.
There is a dire need for material dealing with deeper aspects of sant mat which been discussed very elaborately and with the background of a masterly knowledge in these books. It was , therefore , considered appropriate to brings out an English version of such a fountain of valuable material for the use and benefit of the Western World.
Radha Soami Satsang , Beas (Society) found it more convenient and advantageous to translate and publish the second volume, of which this book is the second of the series, the first having been already published.
Through each series has its own introduction entitled “My Submission” written by the great Master Himself Which deals with the subjects contained therein yet an explanation is needed to help the good reader to orient his mind to these wonderful writings, and by a appreciation ac as a link to cross from the mundane existence to the realm of spirituality .
Saints, sages and saviours take their birth by their own volition and come from their eternal abode –Sach Khand –in order to elevate and uplift humanity from the mire and morass of the material world and take it back to its eternal home .
Our revered Master param Sant shri Satguru Baba Swan Singh Ji Maharaj was an embodiment of benignity and grace and , looking upon the world and seeing that it was shadowed by sorrow and scorched by the fierce fires of sufferings, came t this world with a message of healing and blessedness, bringing hope and peace to the homes and hearths of those who are aspiring and seeking for truth and ultimate Reality.
This great work is a Jewel that was concealed too long in the author ‘s own language , from the English -speaking world. It is a veritable treasure-house containing a wealth of the most precious gems of teachings in which the revered author has default with all doubts and difficulties that are likely to arise in the actual following of these precepts . It is describes the mystery of the love of god so preciously and in such detail and at such length that there can hardly be an equal as a treatise of love in any language , thus bringing home to the minds of the satsangis the eternal truth, viz. “ There is one Law: one Truth , the Truth of conquered Mind and a quiet and obedient heart “ and thus merging with the Beloved . It is definite and precise in describing the glory of the created word of Love and union with the Beloved Lord .
Not only this , but it also describes to the seeker , in practicable and applicable steps , how to find this love of God and the Union with the Beloved Lord. It is alive and breathes. Love is every sentence and phase. If one reads it with concentrated devotion and attention, one can literally feel the uplift f this current of Love., as the lost word, which every one is seeking .
The Book is full of choice quotations from other great mystics. It refer s freely to the sacred writings of the Granth sahib and the Sikh Gurus and their words of experience in the struggle of soul-liberation.
The Philosophy of the Master is a living testimony as a song of love and devotion to the Beloved, written from personal experience , by a true Gurumukh Who lived a life of devotion in normal surrounding s trying circumstances and hard daily work as an engineer in the army.
It was in the beautiful and peaceful surroundings of the River Beas that Satguru baba Swan Singh Ji Maharaj Built the settlement of the entire Dera under the direction and inspiration of his great Guru Baba Jiamal Singhji Maharaj, who by his austere penance and communication with the Beloved Lord blessed and hallowed every particle of the Land.
Such to other struggling souls who are called from all over the world to work with love and devotion in the vineyard of the beloved, such is the science of the soul and the path liberation to bliss.
We have the greatest pleasure in putting this invaluable work before the public , for we feel perfectly confident that it will be of immense help in making the human nature grow into the Divine and thus ushering a new era in the World.
Volume - III
The Original text Gurumat Sidhant –written in Punjabi by pram sant satguru baba swan singh ji Maharaj- reverently known to the millions as the Great Master - is a veritable treasure-house of knowledge on all aspects of sant Mat in their minutest detail. It contains a Wealth of the most precious gems of teaching in which the revered author has superbly dealt with all doubts and difficulties that are likely to arise in the actual following of these precepts. It describes the mystery of the love of God so preciously and in such detail and at such length that there can hardly be an equal as a treatise on Love in any language, thus bringing home to the minds of the satsangis the eternal truth viz: “there is one Law, the Law of Love; ne Truth of conquered Mind and a Quiet and Obedient Heart” and thus merging in the Beloved. It is Definite and precise in describing the glory of the created Word of love and the union with the Beloved Lord.
The First volume of the original text deals with the technical aspect of sant mat and the second with all the physical , materiel , mental , moral and general aspects of spiritual discipline in very detail.
The presents work is the third part of the second volume and deals comprehensively with the subject of worship and its essential pre-requisites . Humility is the hallmark of all saints and unless one becomes dust by completely annihilating the ‘self’, true worship does not come by and God-realization remains a distant dream.
Ego is mind’s greatest weapon to retard spiritual progress and it can go only when the mind is brought into the orbit of “something” infinity more sweet , more sublime and more noble than it is at presents.
This “something” is the “word” of god , the music of the sphere, the Audible life stream , the Nad of the Upanishads, the kalma of the Muslims , the Nam or shabd of sikh Saints, the Sarosha of Zoroastrians, the Tao of the Chinese and the Logos of the Jews. This alone can sublimate the mind.
Once the mind travels inwards and upwards and reaches its own abode , the soul gains freedom from its vicious grip and realise itself: that it is the spark of the divine and with a great longing rushes forward to meet its source thus ending its long, weary and winding journey for all time.
After the sad demise of Mr. R.D. Ahluwalia in November , 1963 the work of translation of this “Bible of sant Mat” was entrusted by Maharaj Ji to Mr . Tarachand Ji aggarwal , Retired District and Session Judge and chairman of the Executive Committee of the Radha soami satsang Beas to see it through . The Presents Work is the Result of his untiring zeal and hard work for months together . We are grateful to him for this labour of love in the service of the Beloved Master.
Volume - IV
The Original text – Gurumat Sidhant – Written in Punjabi by parma Sant satguru Baba Swan singh Ji Maharaj, reverently known to the millions as the great Master, is a veritable treasure house of knowledge on all aspects of sant Mat in their minutest detail It contains a wealth of the most precious gem s of teachings in which the revered author has dealt superbly with all doubts and difficulties that are likely to arise in the actual following of this precepts. It describes the mystery of the Love of god so preciously and in such detail and at such length that there can hardly be an equal as a treatise on love in any other language , thus brings home to the satsnagis the eternal truth , viz.:: there is one law , the law of love and one truth , the truth of a conquered mind and a quiet and obedient heart , for merging in the Beloved . It is definite and precious in describing the glory of the created word of love and the union with the beloved Lord.
The First volume of the original text deals with the technical aspects of sant Mat and the Second with all the physical, material, mental, moral and general aspects of spiritual Discipline in very great detail.
The presents work is the fourth in the series and deals comprehensively with the subject of he existence of God and his Reality; His different Names; His will: our relation to whom: saints and the mission of mercy they perform ; the manner of our realizing the lord; what is shabd, Name or Word; what is the principal of sounds; where does it reside; where is it heard; to connect our consciousness with the superconsciousness of the divine Sound; how is the lord’s Name the priceless Wealth which is with us here and hereafter; how is the wealth obtained; what are the benefits that accrue from the name that the Master bestow on his disciples; why is the called Nectar of Immortality or divine Ambrosia and where can it tasted ; What is its uniqueness vis-à-vis recitals and penances almsgiving and charities , pilgrimages and holy baths; What is related salvation and how is it obtained besides many other related aspects.
So long as our minds are not illumined with these eternal truths, we remain away from our destination of God realization. And this ancient wisdom of surat shabd Yoga is not difficult t follow provided one is destined to meet a perfect Adept , who reveals to him the secret , and h e devotedly and steadfastly carries out the spiritual practise enjoined by him. The Results are infinitely spectacular and once his attention is brought within the orbit of the Divine sounds, which is a storehouse of power, his consciousness is automatically pulled up like the iron filings which enter the magnetic field of a strong magnet . The result is that inner darkness gives place to inner light and the lotus of he heart blossoms. One realizes one’s true self and attains the state of drying while living. One transcends both time and space and the domain of the three attributes.
Just as a spark sets fire to a heap of hay and reduces it to ashes in a moment , so also are the stored sanskaras (tendencies) created by karmas of previous births brunt up in a trice by devotion to lord’s Name . The is truly a water of life’ that quenches man’s thirst forever. It is the ‘bread of life’ that satiates his hunger for all time. It is a panacea for all ills.
Then is one died in the hue of the lord and is immersed in his love all the time . By slow and sure degrees the disciple traverses one transcendental region after another till he reaches the home of his father.
Thus ends a long and weary chain of we and misery , of birth and rebirth , of utter darkness and ignorance, and their place is taken by happiness and by inner radiance and refulgence . The part joins the Whole and becomes the whole ; the drop merges in the ocean and becomes the ocean ; the ray merges in the ocean and becomes the sun the soul merges in the lord and becomes the lord.
After he sad demise of Mr. R.d. ahluwaliya in November , 1963 the work of translation of this ‘Bible of sant Mat’ was entrusted by Maharaj ji to Mr Tarchand aggrwal, Retired district and Session Judge and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Radha Soami satsang , Beas to see it through . The presents work is the result of his untiring zeal and hard work for months together. we are grateful to him for this labour of love in the service of the beloved Master.
Volume - V
The original text - Gurumat Sidhant –written in Punjabi by param Sant satguru baba Swan singh ji Maharaj -reverently known to the millions as the Great Master , is a veritable treasure -house of knowledge of all aspects of sant mat in its minutest details. It contains a wealth of the most precious gems of teachings in which the revered author as dealt superbly with all doubts and difficulties that are likely to arise in the actual following of these precepts . It describes the mystery of the love of god so precisely and in such detail and length hat there can hardly be an equal as a treatise on love in any language, thus bringing home to the minds of the satsangis the eternal truth, viz; “ There is one law , the of love and one truth, the truth of a conquered mind and a quiet and obedient heart”, without which there can be no merging in the Beloved. It is definite and precise in describing the glory of the created word of love and the union with the Beloved Lord.
The First volume of the original text deals with the technical aspects of sant Mat and the second with all the physical, material , mental moral and general aspects of spiritual discipline in very great detail.
The presents work is the fifth and the last in the series and covers the second part of the first volume . It deals comprehensively with the subjects of Devotional Music , the Lord of God, and its yoga and practice; perfect Master and the different kinds thereof ; the necessity of a living aster ; Where Master come from and the reason for their descent into of a Master: how to find him; the benefit s that accrue from having one; the oneness of the Master and the L:ord; the gift of the Lord and the Master and the care bestowed by the latter; recognizing pseudo - master or imposters; and the disadvantages of being without a Master.
None of us has been the lord. He resides within the temple of the human body. The way thereto is known only to the perfect Masters and they alone can guide the yearning souls t him. The Vehicle is the word With which one has to connect one’s consciousness to transcend the physical body and merge in the spiritual realm, ultimately becoming one with the source. thus man transformed into God.
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