Science of Reality

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Item Code: IDK548
Author: Swami Sivananda
Language: English
Edition: 2007
ISBN: 8170522137
Pages: 151
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5" X 5.5"
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Book Description
About The Book

From the divine pen of H. H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj has emanated a ceaseless stream of soul-elevating spiritual literature; his Holiness's message has penetrated every part of world.

Swami Sivanandaji Religion of the Heart which he has significantly termed' 'Divine life' is not the cave dwellers concern for the monopoly of the monks. It is for all. In the plainest language Swamiji tells each one of us how to translate our daily life into Divine Life and how through regular fruitful dynamic activities every one can expand the heart to infinite dimensions.

This book 'Science of Reality' contains the essence of the wisdom of centuries in poetic from. A study of these highly spiritual lines from the holy pen of the saint is meant to cheer up the weary aspirant in his journey towards the city of the Immortal.

About The Author

Born on the 8th September, 1887, in the illustrious family of Sage Appayya Dikshitar and several other renowned saints and savants, Sri Swami Sivananda had a natural flair for a life devoted to the study and practice of Vedanta. Added to this was an inborn eagerness to serve all and an innate feeling of unity with all mankind.

His passion for service drew him to the medical career; and soon he gravitated to where he through that his service was most needed. Malaya claimed him. He had earlier been editing a health journal and wrote extensively on health problems. He discovered that people needed right knowledge most of all; dissemination of that knowledge he espoused as his own mission.

It was divine dispensation and the blessing of God upon mankind that the doctor of body and mind renounced his career and took to a life of renunciation to qualify for ministering to the soul of man. He settled down at Rishikesh in 1924, practised intense austerities and shone as a great Yogi, saint sage and Jivanmukta.

In 1932 Swami Sivananda started the Sivanandashram. In 1936 was born The Divine Life Society. In 1948 the Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy was organized. Dissemination of spiritual knowledge and training of people in Yoga and Vedanta were their aim and object. In 1950 Swamiji undertook a lightning tour of India and Ceylon. In 1953 Swamiji convened a 'World Parliament of Religions'. Swamiji is the author of over 300 volumes and has disciples all over the world, belonging to all nationalities, religions and creeds. To read Swamiji works is to drink at the Fountain of Wisdom Supreme. On 14th July 1963 Swamiji entered Mahasamadhi.

Message of H. H. Sri Swami Sivananda ji Maharaj

Sri Swami's Message of Divine Life he has himself summed up in a few words:

Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise

Be good; do good; be compassionate.

Enquire "who am I?" Know the Self; and be free.

The new Gospel of Divine Life that he has given mankind is the gospel of divinisation of life itself. That is the fruit of his toils; that is the solution to the problems that face mankind; that is the panacea for the ills of man. In every to action to feel the working of the Divine Will; in every event to see the flow of Divine Grace; in every face to perceive divine radiance aglow; to experience the all-pervading Presence of God -this is Sri Swami ji 's New Vision. Blended with dynamic activity, this vision issues as selfless service, cosmic love, unbounded generosity and ceaseless contemplation of God. Self-realisation-which ends rebirth and with it all pain and suffering-is then only a matter of time. That is the Truth that Sage Sivananda proclaims today. That is the Truth which reverberated in every town of India and Ceylon during the Sage's all India Ceylon Tour in 1953. And that is the message which fills every one the 200 volumes that had issued from his pen which poured forth from this perennial fountain source of wisdom.

May Sri Gurudev's blessings and grace be with us all


Chapter I
1Prayers 17
2 New Year Prayer 17
3 A Prayer 17
4 Hail, Hail, Oh Lord 18
5 My King And master 19
6I am Thine, My Lord 19
Chapter II
Science of the soul
7Brahma Vidya 21
8 Aim of Srutis Teaching 21
9 Satchidananda 22
10 Asti-Bhati_Priya 22
11Self luminous Brahman 23
12 Hidden river of Bliss 23
13 Existence is Consciousness 24
14 Drink Immortalising 24
15 Pure Awareness 25
16 Thou Art Infinite Brahman 25
17 Imperishable Must Be Infinite 26
18Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute 26
19 Soul is faster Than Mind 27
20Interpenetrating Essence 27
21God IS Love 28
Chapter III
Nature of the Individual Soul
22Thou Art Atman 29
23Atman Is Distinct from Body and Mind 29
24Atma the Witness Consciousness 30
25The Soul is Untainted 30
26A Dialogue 31
27 Atma IS Distinct from Body 32
28Thou Art not this Body 32
29 Philosophy of my body 33
30Body, A Mere Appearance 33
31Wanderer 33
32 Jiva is Identical with Brahman 34
Chapter IV
Mysteries of Creation
33 Maya's two Shaktis 35
34 The Family of Egoism 36
35 Aham Idam 36
36 There is only One Thing 36
37Elephant in Wood 37
38 Dog IS Stone 37
39Ball of Iron in Fire 38
40 Who Is man 39
41 Each Sense IS a Jyoti 39
42Diverse Nature 40
43 Change Is Finitude and death 40
44 Pleasure and Pain 41
45 There Is No Death 42
46What Is Evil 43
Chapter V
The Sage
47 Vasana Like Burnt Seed 44
48Become Independent 44
49 Liberation 45
50A Sage Is not Selfish 46
51The Real Humanitarian 46
52 The World Likes Jivanmuktas 47
53 Who is a Sannyasi 47
54 Vyavahara Jnani and Samadhi Jnani 48
55 Jivanmukti and Videhamukti I 48
56 Jivanmukti and Videhamukti II48
57 Jivanmukti and Videhamukti III 49
58 Two kinds of jivanmuktas 50
59 Two Kinds of Videhamuktas50
60 Jivanmukti Sukha 50
61Imiation Vidhamukta 51
Chapter VI
Practice of Vedanta
62 Yoga and Jnana 53
63Drik-Drishya Vivek 53
64 Way to Direct Realisation 54
65 Vedantic Sadhana I54
66 Vedantic Sadhana II 55
67 Stages in Sadhana 55
68 Practical Vedanta 55
69 Avidya and Vidya 56
70Slayer of Atma 56
71Not an Adhikari 57
72 The Four Means 57
73Burning Mumukshatwa 58
74 Grasping and Retentive power 58
75Blessed Guru 's Feet 59
76The world is the Best Teacher 60
77 Hear, reflect Mediate 60
78 Enquiry 61
79Enquiry or Vichar 61
80 Dawn of Discrimination 62
81 Find Out the Seer 62
82Find Out your Friend 63
83 Find out your Enemy 63
84 Overcome Your enemies 64
85 Think Correctly 64
86Mediate Mediate 65
87 Abode in bliss 65
88 Center your Heart on Brahman 66
89 Practice V. M & t. Simultaneously 66
90 Temptation 67
91Knowledge is Being 67
92 Samadhi 68
93 That Non dual State that 68
94 you Are Already That 69
Chapter VII
Formulae for Meditation
95 Formulae for Vedantic Meditation 70
96 Song of Om 70
97 Vedantic Denial 71
98 Vedantic Affirmation 71
99 Formulae for Nirguna Meditation I 72
100 Formulae for Nirguna Meditation II 72
101 Self IS existence Absolute 72
102Goodbye Vain World 73
103 That Exalted State 73
104 I Rejoice in My Atma 74
105 I am God Intoxicated 74
106 I Am tasting the Bliss 75
107 I am Emperor of Emperors75
Chapter VIII
Short Cut to self realisation
108 Sure Ways for Success and God realisation 76
109 Way to Quick Realisation 76
110Life is a Perpetual Struggle 77
111Be Quick; Be quick 77
112 Seek Within 78
113 Peak of Wisdom 78
114Forget and Remember 78
115 Purify and Enthrone and the Lord 79
116 Serve, Serve, Serve 79
117be Good Do Good 80
118 The Enemies Come in Disguise 80
119 Remove Evil Traits 81
120Cut the Knots and Fetters 82
121 Up the Wisdom 82
122Greed is Deep rooted 82
123 Hypocritical Humility 83
124Sincerity 84
125 Way to peace 84
126 Have a Spotless Character 85
127 Brahmacharya Makes One Divine 85
128 Combine Hatha Yoga 86
129 BE Kind to animals 86
130 Be Free Be Happy 87
131Stockataking 87
Chapter IX
Different paths
132Different Yogas 89
133Minor Sadhana 90
134Follow Synthetic Yoga 90
135 Sit and meditate 91
136 Meditate, Meditate 92
137 Colour Meditation 92
138Frutis of Meditation 93
139 Ritambhara Prajna 93
140 Four Stages in Samadhi 94
141 Jnani's Pose and Pranayam 94
142 Obstacles in Mediation 95
Chapter X
The Clarion Call
143Worldly Dog 96
144 Plunge in the Ocean of Bliss96
145 Meditate on the Infinite 97
146Wake Up Now At Least Oh Man 97
147 This World is an Empty Chimera98
148Man's Downfall 99
149 Stages of man 99
150 Why DO You Struggle 100
Chapter XI
151The Great Unifier and Witness 101
152 Atma IS the Witness 101
153Mind alone Sees and Hears 102
154Mind Is Synthetic Organ 103
155 Mind a Goat, Chitta a Pig 103
156 Thought and facial Expression 104
157 Inner War 104
158 Fight With Evil 105
159 Remove the Dirt in the Mind Radio 105
160 The Creeper Mind 106
161 Watch the Mind 106
162 The Four States of Mind 107
163Waking Dreaming and sleep 107
164 sleep Walkers 108
Chapter XII
Thoughts on Gita
165 Why 18 Chapters in Gita 110
166 Gita Slokas IX 4-5110
167 All Begins Are Rooted in Brahman 111
168It Is all Brahman Alone 112
169 Contradiction Recounted 113
Chapter XIII
Illustrated Truths
170An Old Lady and Needle 114
171 Best Life Insurance Company 114
172Sensual Pleasure Is poison 115
173Divine Life IS the Salt of life 116
174 Aspire for Liberation 116
175frog and faithless Disciples 117
176 Story of a king's Disciples 117
177 Moorkhanandas 118
178Look to the Bhav 119
Chapter XIV
ON World Problem
179The only Solution for World peace 121
180 The West Are in Despair Now 122
181 All Men Can Do 123
182 Prosperous America 123
183 Have Inner Spiritual Life 123
184 Glory of Hotels 124
185 Hindu Code Bill-a Shame125
186dowry system 126
187Abolish Capital Sentence 126
188 Mutual Admiration Society 127
189 Burn All Contraceptives 127
190 Procreate Less Campaign 128
191Order and Discipline 129
192to Lord Krishna 129
193 Take This Pledge 130
Chapter XV
Reflections on Hinduism
194 glory Of Hinduism 131
195Universal Atma-hood 132
196 Oh Sikh of Evolution 132
197 Stage of Evolution 133
198Hatha Yoga 134
199 Four Bhavas 134
200 Ear Complains to the Lord 135
201Durga Lakshmi Saraswati 135
202 Vijaya Dashami 136
203 Sandi Shashti 137
204 Deepavali 137
Chapter XVI
Siva's Life and Message
205Cosmic Spiritual Powerhouse 139
206 Siva's Mysterious Palace 139
207Blessed IS Life in Ananda Kefir 140
208 King of Kings 141
209 All World Religious federation 141
210 The aim of the
All World Religion Federation 141
211Siva's Essence of Teaching 142
212 Siva 's Kernel of Teaching 143
213Siva's final of Teaching 143
214 Siva's Triumphant Message 143
215Song of Sadhana 144
Chapter XVII
On Diverse topics
216 The Astrological Twelve Sings 145
217 Mysterious Homeopathy 145
218Anti Pneumo Thorax 147
219Chemo Therapy 147
220Become a doctor of soul 148
221Boy Prodigies 148
222Glory to These Newspaper Boys 149
223Husband and Wife 150
224March on Hero, D.L.S General 150
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