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The grammatical ABCs of the oldest language in the world, Sanskrit - the roadmap for other languages

Sanskrit grammatical custom started in late Vedic India and finished in the Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini. The most seasoned type of the Proto-Indo-Aryan language as it had advanced in the Indian subcontinent after its presentation with the appearance of the Indo-Aryans is called Vedic. At the end of the early Vedic period, a huge assortment of Vedic songs had been assimilated into the Rigveda, which framed the authoritative premise of the Vedic religion, and was communicated from one age to another completely orally. Throughout the next hundreds of years, as the well-known discourse advanced, there was rising worry among the gatekeepers of the Vedic religion that the songs be passed on without 'defilement', which for them was essential to guarantee the strict viability of the psalms. This prompted the ascent of a vivacious, refined grammatical custom including the investigation of semantic analysis, specifically phonetics. 

Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī, a conventional grammar with arithmetical principles overseeing every part of the language, in a time when oral compositions and transmission were the standards, is resolutely inserted in that oral tradition. To guarantee wide dispersal, Pāṇini is said to have favored quickness over clarity- it very well may be presented from start to finish in two hours. This has prompted the rise of an incredible number of analyses of his work throughout the long term, which generally stick to the establishments laid by Pāṇini's work.

About a hundred years after Pāṇini, Kātyāyana formed vārtikas (clarifications) on the Pāṇinian sũtras. Patañjali, who lived three centuries after Pāṇini, composed the Mahābhāṣya, the "Incomparable Commentary" on the Aṣṭādhyāyī and Vārtikas. In light of these three old Sanskrit grammarians, this grammatical structure is called Trimuni Vyākarana. Jayaditya and Vāmana composed an analysis named Kāśikā. Kaiyaṭa's (twelfth century AD) analysis of Patañjali's Mahābhāṣya additionally had a lot of impact on the improvement of grammatical syntax, yet more persuasive was the Rupāvatāra of Buddhist researcher Dharmakīrti which promoted adaptations of Sanskrit punctuation. The most persuasive work of the Early Modern time frame was Siddhānta-Kaumudī by Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita (seventeenth 100 years). Bhaṭṭoji's devotee Varadarāja composed three variants of the first text, named Madhya-Siddhānta-Kaumudī, Sāra-Siddhānta-Kaumudī, and Laghu-Siddhānta-Kaumudī, of which the last one is the most famous. Vāsudeva Dīkṣita composed an analysis named Bālamanoramā on Siddhānta-Kaumudī.


Q1. What is the primary grammar system of Sanskrit?

The grammatical syntax of the Sanskrit language has a complex verbal framework, rich ostensible declension, and broad utilization of compound nouns. It was considered and classified by Sanskrit grammarians from the later Vedic period (generally the eighth century BCE), coming full circle in the Pāṇinian grammatical norms of the fourth century BCE.

Q2. What are the various cases of Sanskrit Grammar?

There are eight cases: nominative, vocative, accusative, instrumental, dative, ablative, genitive, and locative; three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter; and three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter.

Q3. What are the phonological processes in the Sanskrit language?

Various phonological processes have been portrayed exhaustively. One of them is abhinidhāna. It is the deficient enunciation, or "stifling", of a plosive or, as per a few texts, a semi-vowel (aside from r), which happens before another plosive or an interruption. It was depicted in the different Prātiśākhyas as well as the Cārāyaṇīya Śikṣa. These texts are not consistent on the conditions that trigger abhinidhana, nor on the exact classes of consonants impacted.

Q4. How many types of Sanskrit grammar are there?


The grammar of the Sanskrit language has a complex verbal system, rich nominal declension, and extensive use of compound nouns. There are eight cases: nominative, vocative, accusative, instrumental, dative, ablative, genitive, and locative; three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter; three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. This vast distribution makes Sanskrit applications very specific and formulating.


The Maheshwar sutra is the basis of Sanskrit grammar. To refine and regularize the contemporary form of Sanskrit grammar, Panini has given various components such as sound division (Aksharasamamnaya), name (noun, pronoun, and adjective), post, akhyat, verb, prefix, adverb, sentence, gender, etc. Their interrelationship has been included in Ashtadhyayi having 32 padas, 400 sutras, equally divided into eight chapters.

Q5. What was the first grammar book of Sanskrit?


Paini's Aṣṭadhyayi, a prescriptive and generative grammar with algebraic rules governing every single aspect of the language, in an era when oral composition and transmission was the norm, is staunchly embedded in that oral tradition. Paini is said to have preferred brevity over clarity – it can be recited end-to-end in two hours.

“Aṣṭadhyayi” is considered by many linguists as the greatest linguistic work ever produced. With about 4000 ‘sutra’ (cryptic aphorisms), this is the shortest grammar book ever covering the almost entire gamut of rules for a language as perfect as Sanskrit. Therefore after years of careful study, linguists have accepted that ‘Aṣṭadhyayi’ is not just for the Sanskrit language but for all human languages as the grammar rules codified by “Maharii Paini

Q6. Why is grammar important in Sanskrit?


Sanskrit is the oldest, purest, most systematic, and most scientific language of great precision, logic, and elegance. Sanskrit is being adopted by NASA and taught in different universities all over the world. To understand India‘s rich cultural heritage, and knowledge ethos, one has to follow Sanskrit. Sanskrit is the language of the future, for it is touted to be most suited for computers. Besides aiding in the conception of Indian languages, Sanskrit is ideal for learning Greek and Latin. Sanskrit is a storehouse of all ancient texts, scriptures, and prayers in Hinduism. Sanskrit has influenced most Indian languages. Sanskrit is the Mother of many Indian Languages. Even many words from Dravidian languages are derived from Sanskrit.

Q7. Who is the father of Sanskrit grammar?


In my view, Lord Brahma is the father of the Sanskrit language. Brahma spoke ‘Om’ and ‘Ath’ for the first time. Panini’s analysis of language’s mechanical devices to make meaning and his efforts to provide systematic rules for generative grammar are seen as exceptional in his time. Since the discovery and publication of his work by European scholars in the nineteenth century, Pāṇini has been considered the "first descriptive linguist ", and even labeled as “the father of linguistics”. He wrote the Ashtadhyayi, which can be translated as “eight chapters” or “Eight Chapters on Grammar”. Pāṇini (Devanagari: पाणिनि) was a Sanskrit philologist, grammarian, and revered scholar in ancient India, variously dated between the 6th and 4th century BCE.

Q8. Who is the founder of Sanskrit grammar?


Panini was a Sanskrit grammarian who gave a comprehensive and scientific theory of phonetics, phonology, and morphology. Sanskrit was the classical literary language of the Indian Hindus and Panini is considered the founder of the language and literature. His classical Sanskrit treatise on grammar, Ashtadhyayi (“Eight Chapters”), was written in the 6th to 5th century BCE.


Under Astadhyayi, he distinguished between the language of sacred texts and the usual language of communication. He gave formal production rules and definitions to describe Sanskrit grammar. He gave about 1700 basic elements like nouns, verbs, vowels, and consonants he put them into classes. The grammar of the Sanskrit language has a complex verbal system, rich nominal declension, and extensive use of compound nouns.