Path to Home | Acrylic on Canvas | Landscape Painting by Anant Roop Art Studio

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"Path to Home - Landscape Painting" by Anant Roop Art Studio captures a scenic mountain road leading to a house, framed by lush greenery. The generous use of green, while representing nature's abundance, adds a touch of melancholy to the scene. The subdued atmosphere evokes a sense of solitude and reflection. The winding road implies a journey, not just through the landscape but perhaps a metaphorical journey of life. Birds flying over the mountains signify freedom and elevation, adding a dynamic element to the composition.


The muted tones create a somber ambiance, enhancing the contemplative mood of the artwork. Anant Roop Art Studio's landscape becomes a visual narrative, prompting viewers to reflect on the journey, nature's beauty, and the emotions elicited by the mountainous path leading to the sanctuary of home.

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Item Code: DDJ138
Artist: Anant Roop Art Studio
Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions 36 inch Height X 30 inch Width
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100% Made in India
100% Made in India
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