Shiva Chidambaram | Watercolor on Paper | By Prasad P Mahale

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In the Nirtya-Sabha (assembly of dance) at Chidambaram, Shiva eternally resides as the Lord of Dance. But for many Shaiva devotees, his true, divine dance occurs in the Chit-Sabha (the mind palace), where Nataraja resides, endlessly dancing as the fire of consciousness that cuts through the veils of worldly attachment, leading the devotee to the supreme truth.


Drawing from this philosophy the watercolor on paper expresses the enthralling beauty of the Lord of Chidambaram, in his popular pose, playing the damru or drum, carrying a part of the Chidagni (fire of consciousness) in his left hand, while the primary hands make the gesture of abhaya and Gaja hastha in the front.


Emerging from the center of his forehead, the Chidagni flows around Nataraja’s head, haloing it beautifully in its embrace. A blissful blue, symbolizing the eternal (Ananta) sky surrounds the figure of Nataraja, an expression of the serenity of this form. With a precision of lines and complementing hues, the divine image of Shiva Chidambaram is unveiled on the canvas, making this an aesthetic reminder of the timeless cosmic dance of Shiva.

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Item Code: DDG731
Artist: Prasad P Mahale
Watercolor on Paper
Dimensions 11.7 inch height X 8.3 inch width
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100% Made in India
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