Vishnu Sahasranamam: The Story Behind It
During a puja, have you at any point recited a mantra for ten minutes or multiple times? Most likely not! You might recall being told to recount it multiple times. Numerous Hindus have 108 in their passwords. Organizations have made extraordinary advertisements and logos with 108. However, for what reason is 108 seen as blessed? The response, very much like every other response you will get from your folks, is that it lies in math and science. Vedic sages, pre-dating current numerical equations, had everything sorted out! As per Vedic cosmology, 108 is the premise of creation, which addresses the universe and all our reality. In Hinduism, we accept that external cosmology should reflect our internal spirituality because we are all the same. It is said that the number 108 units address the distance between our body and the God that resides inside each one of us.
Published in Apr 2022
Heroic Tales of the Hindu God Vishnu
The article emphasizes key stories, such as Vishnu's efforts to restore dharma by defeating various demons and restoring balance. It also reflects on Vishnu's compassionate nature and his relationship with his devotees, illustrating his importance in promoting righteousness and guiding humanity through trials and tribulations. Overall, the article showcases Vishnu's enduring legacy in Hindu culture and spirituality. Hindu God Vishnu is the preserver and defender of the universe. His job is to return to the earth during adverse situations and re-establish the equilibrium between the good and the bad. Up to this point, he has incarnated multiple times, yet Hindus believe that he will be resurrected one final time before the end of this world as we know it. Hindu God Vishnu represents the preserver, the defender, and the sustainer of the world made by Brahma as well as the law of the Vedas.
Published in Mar 2022
The 10 Avatars (Incarnation) of Vishnu
Vishnu is the second god in the trifecta of divinities in Hinduism; which comprises three divine beings who are answerable for the creation, upkeep, and annihilation of the world. The other two divine beings are Brahma and Shiva. Brahma is the maker of the universe and Shiva is the destroyer. Vishnu is the preserver and defender of the universe. His job is to get back to the earth in grieved times and reestablish the equilibrium of good and malevolence. Up until this point, he has been embodied multiple times, however, Hindus accept that he will be resurrected one final time close to the doomsday.
Published in Mar 2022
Vishnu: Statue Types & Placement at Home
The Hindu God, Lord Vishnu, is the Supreme God of Vaishnavism and one of the three incomparable divinities (Trimurti) of the Hindu pantheon. He is otherwise called Narayana and Hari. As one of the five essential forms of God in the Smarta custom, he is considered as "the Preserver or the Protector" inside the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of Gods. In this blog, we will discuss in detail regarding the placement of Lord Vishnu statues so that happiness and riches are all that comes into your life.
Published in Mar 2022
Marriage Story of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi
It highlights the importance of their relationship in maintaining harmony in the universe, with Lakshmi representing wealth and abundance while Vishnu embodies preservation and protection. Overall, the article celebrates their marriage as a symbol of unity and the fulfillment of cosmic order. Lakshmi, the goddess of material abundance and wealth is seen in pictures in Hindu homes adorned in a red saree, embellished accessories, seated on a Lotus flower. She is depicted as an anxious, idiosyncratic yet maternal Goddess, blessing her devotees and granting them their wishes. Her husband, Lord Vishnu is one of the three of the supreme Gods of the Hindu pantheon (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva). While Brahma is answerable for the formation of the Universe and Shiva for annihilation, Lord Vishnu is the preserver of the Universe. This article will give us an insight into Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi’s love story. Let’s learn about Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi-
Published in Feb 2022