Who Built Nandi Statue?
The Statue of Nandi is greatly admired and venerated by the people of Hampi and is believed to protect the town. Although little damaged over the natural course of time, the statue still looks beautiful and attracts tourists. The site of the statue is also the main location for Vijaya Utsav, the Hampi Arts festival which is held in November every year.
Published in Nov 2022
Why Yaganti Nandi is Growing?
Yaganti temple was constructed by King Harihara Bukka Raya of the Sangama Dynasty of the Vijayanagara Empire in the 15th century. The temple dates back to the 5th and 6th centuries with contributions from Pallavas, Cholas, Chalukyas, and Vijayanagara rulers. It has been built according to Vaishnavaite traditions.
Published in Nov 2022
What is the Significance of Nandi?
Shiva and Nandi's association with Hindu scriptures and art can be traced to very early Indian culture, where dairy farming was the most important occupation, thus explaining the importance and sacredness of the cow and bull. Nandi is the sacred bull calf, gatekeeper, and vehicle (vahana) of the Hindu god Shiva. Sculptures of Nandi are a common sight at Hindu temples dedicated to his master, and he is partly responsible for the Hindu reverence for living bulls even today. Nandi the bull is a deity conferred with many powers. He is the protector of Dharma and the chief of the team of Ganas, or attendants of the gods. In Hinduism, Nandi is considered as the chief of 18 Siddhas and therefore, the granter of boons.
Published in Nov 2022
Is it Good to Keep Nandi Statue at Home?
The name Nandi was widely used instead as a humanistic gate-guardian deity of Kailasa, rather than his mount, in the oldest Shaivite texts in Sanskrit, Tamil, and other Indian languages. Siddhanta texts distinguish Nandi from Vṛṣabha. According to them, Devi, Chandesha, Mahakala, Vṛṣabha, Nandi, Ganesha, Bhringi, and Murugan, are the eight Ganeshwaras (commanders) of Shiva. Thus we must rest assured that he would also guard and protect us by not allowing negative energies in our homes.
Published in Nov 2022