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Brahmavaivarta Purana (Set of 2 Volumes)

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Item Code: IDF398
Author: Translated Into English By Sri Sadashiva Yogishwara
Publisher: Parimal Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Language: Sanskrit Text with English Translation
Edition: 2021
ISBN: 9788171101702
Pages: 1478
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 9.9" X 7.4"
Weight 2.81 kg
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Book Description

From the Jacket:


Vedavyasa has composed Mahapuranas by resorting to the use of historical episodes, legends, stories, fables etc. in order to lay down clearly the topics described in those special types of episodes addressed as Purana in Vedic era.

Brahmavaivarta is the most popular treatise among the eighteen Mahapuranas. This Mahapurana finds its reference everywhere in various Puranas and in the inventory of names to these Mahapuranas. Moreover, as per the yardstick ascertained, this Mahapurana contains eighteen thousand hymns in it too. As the preaching delivered by god Krsna to deperate Arjuna considering them as nectar of Srimadbhagavad Gita, the special preaching delivered by the same god Krsna are stored in this Mahapurana too. As this Mahapurana discloses the mystery of Brahman, it is called Brahmavaivarta Mahapurana. This Mahapurana has adduced as an authority by a number of philosopher for their submissions. The commentators has from this angle, accepted the specific significance of Brahmavaivarta Mahapurna in literature on Puranas. Indian culture based in Vedas and the tradition of Indian school of thoughts is seen enumerated to suffice length in this Mahapurana.



Chapter 1 Introduction and importance of Brhmavaivarta Purana 1
Chapter 2 The position of Goloka and its description and the definition of the divinity of Sri Krsna 6
Chapter 3 The universe emerges out of Krsna; Narayana eulogies Krsna 8
Chapter 4 Emergence of Kanadeva, Rati and others 14
Chapter 5 Establishment of the routine of the Goloka and emergence of Radha an other cowherdesses 16
Chapter 6 Sri Krsna hands over Laksmi to Narayana and spouses to other god 21
Chapter 7 Creation of the Earth, mountains and oceans etc. by Brahma 26
Chapter 8 Creation of Veda, Manus etc. 28
Chapter 9 Progeny of the daughters of Daksa 33
Chapter 10 Comparison between Casts and the relations 40
Chapter 11 Asvanikumaras freed of the curse; praise of the Vaisnava Brahmanas 52
Chapter 12 The story of Narada 55
Chapter 13 Death of Upabarhana with the curse of Brahma and lamenting of Malavati. 59
Chapter 14 Visnu appears before Malavati in the form of a Brahmana boy 65
Chapter 15 The display of the might by the Brahmas 70
Chapter 16 Brahmana spells out the medical treatment 74
Chapter 17 Talk of Brahma with the Brahmana boy 80
Chapter 18 Restoring Upabarhana back to life 86
Chapter 19 Krsnakavaca, Sivakavaca and the description of Sivastavaraja 89
Chapter 20 The birth of Upabarhana from Kalavati the wife of cowherd 95
Chapter 21 The daily routine of the child born in the Sudra family 100
Chapter 22 The emergence of the names of the sons of Brahma 105
Chapter 23 Narada seeks permission from Brahma for performing tapas 107
Chapter 24 Discourse of Brahma on the duties of the house holder 111
Chapter 25 Narada's audience with lord Siva 114
Chapter 26 Daily routine and method of adoration 116
Chapter 27 Eatables and non-eatables for the Brahmana 124
Chapter 28 Description of the form of the Great Soul 128
Chapter 29 Question raised by Narada before Narayana in Badrikasrama 133
Chapter 30 Description of the glory of lord Krsna and his Prakrti 136
Chapter 1 Description of Prakrti and paricles there of 137
Chapter 2 The birth of Krsnas Radha besides other and goddesses 148
Chapter 3 Description of the child of Virat form 155
Chapter 4 Adoration of Sarasvati and her kavaca 159
Chapter 5 Yajnavalkya offers prayer to Sarasvati 166
Chapter 6 The pronouncing of curse by Laksmi, Sarasvati and Ganga on one another 168
Chapter 7 The story of Kaliyuga, Measures of time and the divine dance of Krsna in Goloka 178
Chapter 8 The story of Prthvi 186
Chapter 9 The story of Prthvi 191
Chapter 10 The story of birth of Ganga 193
Chapter 11 The story of Ganga 206
Chapter 12 The story of Ganga 216
Chapter 13 The story of Tulasi and Vrsadhvaja 218
Chapter 14 The stories of Vedavati, Sita and Draupadi 222
Chapter 15 The story relating to the birth of Tulasi 226
Chapter 16 Marriage of Tulasi with Samkhacuda 230
Chapter 17 The proceeding of Puspadanta to Samkhacuda as a messenger 244
Chapter 18 The conversation between lord Siva and Samkhacuda 250
Chapter 19 The battle between Siva and Samkhacuda 256
Chapter 20 The destruction of Samkhacuda with the trident of Siva 262
Chapter 21 The defiling of the chastity of Tulasi and the glory of Salagrama 264
Chapter 22 The method of adoration of Goddess Savitri 272
Chapter 23 The method of adoration of Goddess Savitri 275
Chapter 24 The adoration of Savitri 282
Chapter 25 Questioning of Yama by Savitri 284
Chapter 26 Yama answers Savitri's questions 287
Chapter 27 Dialogue between Savitri and Dharmaraja 292
Chapter 28 Savitri prayer for Yama 302
Chapter 29 The names of the pits of hell 304
Chapter 30 The suffering of the sinners in the hell 306
Chapter 31 Description of the hell of the sinners 321
Chapter 32 Description of the human body 325
Chapter 33 Description of the Kundas of hell 328
Chapter 34 The end of Yama's discourse 337
Chapter 35 The form of Laksmi an the method of her adoration 344
Chapter 36 Durvasa pronounces a curse on Indra 346
Chapter 37 The results of deeds performed 359
Chapter 38 The churning of the Ocean 362
Chapter 39 The method of adoration of Laksmi 366
Chapter 40 Birth of Svaha 373
Chapter 41 The story of the birth of Svadha 377
Chapter 42 The story of Daksina 381
Chapter 43 The story of goddess Sasthi 388
Chapter 44 The story of Mangalacandi 393
Chapter 45 The story of Manasa Devi 396
Chapter 46 The stotra of Manasa Devi 397
Chapter 47 The story of Surabhi 408
Chapter 48 The story of Narayani and Radha 411
Chapter 49 Pronouncing of curse mutually by Radha and Sudama 415
Chapter 50 The story of Suyajna 420
Chapter 51 Description of the sins and result there of as narrated by the Sages 423
Chapter 52 Conversation between Narada and Narayana 429
Chapter 53 The discourse of the Guest 432
Chapter 54 Suyajna achieves Goloka 436
Chapter 55 Worship of Radha and her Stotra 448
Chapter 56 The defining of Radha Mantra 455
Chapter 57 The genesis of the word Durga and other names 460
Chapter 58 The Freeing of Tara and Candrama of the Blemish 463
Chapter 59 Brhaspati travels to Kailasa 471
Chapter 60 Method for redemption of Tara 477
Chapter 61 The return of Tara to Brhaspati and the birth of Budha 484
Chapter 62 The desires of Suratha and Vaisya fulfilled 492
Chapter 63 Talk between Durga and Vaisya 495
Chapter 64 The method of adoration and sacrifice of animals 498
Chapter 65 The Discourse 505
Chapter 66 The Stotra of Durga 508
Chapter 67 Brahmandamohanakavaca 511
Chapter 1 Conversation between Narada and Narayana 513
Chapter 2 The curse pronounced by Parvati on the Gods 516
Chapter 3 The performing of vrata by Parvati for getting a son 518
Chapter 4 The performing of PunyakaVrata 521
Chapter 5 The glory of Punyaka Vrata 527
Chapter 6 Permission for performing Punyaka Vrata 529
Chapter 7 The procedure for performing vrata by Parvati and the stotra of Sri Krsna 536
Chapter 8 The birth of Ganesa 546
Chapter 9 Sight of child Ganesa 553
Chapter 10 Festivity at the Birth of Ganesa 556
Chapter 11 Conversation between Saturn and Parvati 559
Chapter 12 The severing of the head of Ganesa and its replacement by Visnu 561
Chapter 13 The worship of Ganesa, the Stuti and kavaca 566
Chapter 14 The birth of Karttikeya 573
Chapter 15 Conversation between Karttikeya and Nandakesvara 576
Chapter 16 The arrival of Karttikeya 580
Chapter 17 The Appointment of the Karttikeya as the Army Commander 583
Chapter 18 Kasyapa's curse on Siva 585
Chapter 19 Surya's stotra and kavaca 587
Chapter 20 The reasons for the joining of the elephant head on the trunk of Ganesa 591
Chapter 21 Indra gets back Laksmi 595
Chapter 22 The Stotra and kavaca of Laksmi 597
Chapter 23 The dwelling places of Laksmi 600
Chapter 24 The reason for Ganesa having a single tusk 603
Chapter 25 Battle between Jamadagni and Kartaviryarjuna 608
Chapter 26 Ending of the battle by Bahma 610
Chapter 27 Destruction of Jamadagni and Parasurama's resolve 612
Chapter 28 The Departure of Bhrgu to Brahmaloka 617
Chapter 29 The Arrival of Parasurama at Kailasa 623
Chapter 30 Siva gives away weapons to Parasurama 626
Chapter 31 The giving of Sri Krsna kavaca to Parasurama 629
Chapter 32 Stotra of adoration of the kavaca 633
Chapter 33 Bhragu's praise to Lord Krsna 638
Chapter 34 Battle with Kartavirya 643
Chapter 35 Description of Sankara kavaca 648
Chapter 36 Description of the battle between Kartavirya and Bhrgu 657
Chapter 37 Bhadrakali kavaca 661
Chapter 38 Laksmi kavaca 662
Chapter 39 Durgatinasini kavaca 668
Chapter 40 Bhrgu's departure for Kailasa 670
Chapter 41 The description of Kailasa 677
Chapter 42 A discussion between Parasurama and Ganapati 680
Chapter 43 The breaking of the trunk of Ganesa 685
Chapter 44 The Stotra of Ganesa 688
Chapter 45 Prayers to Durga by Parasurama 695
Chapter 46 Conversation between Ganesa and Tulasi 700


Chapter 1 The praise for Visnu and Vaisnavas 1
Chapter 2 The cowherds Viraja turns to the form of river 6
Chapter 3 Pronounce of mutual curse between Radha and Sridama 10
Chapter 4 Detailed description of Goloka 18
Chapter 5 Ode of Sri Krsna 31
Chapter 6 Emergence of Sri Krsna and Radha from the mass of luster 39
Chapter 7 Story of the birth of Krsna 58
Chapter 8 The fasting of Janmastmi and the merit of the same 67
Chapter 9 Festivities of Nanda's son 73
Chapter 10 Salvation of Putana 78
Chapter 11 Killing of Trnavarta 81
Chapter 12 Destruction of Sakatasura 84
Chapter 13 Annaprasana and names giving ceremonies of Sri Krsna 87
Chapter 14 Uprooting of Arjuna tree 103
Chapter 15 Marriage of Radha and Krsna 107
Chapter 16 The killing of Bakasura, Pralambasura and Kesi 119
Chapter 17 Description of Vrndavana 130
Chapter 18 Desire for redemption of a Brahmana Woman 148
Chapter 19 Killing of Kaliya and consuming of the forest fire 158
Chapter 20 The abduction of cows and calves and cowherds 171
Chapter 21 Preparation of an Indrayaga by Nanda 175
Chapter 22 Killing of Dhenukasura 191
Chapter 23 Curse to Tilottama and the sons of Bali by Brahma 198
Chapter 24 The salvation of the son of Bali in the context of consuming the tala fruits 208
Chapter 25 Durvasa relieved of Sudarsanacakra 215
Chapter 26 Performing of Ekadasi-vrata 226
Chapter 27 Stealing the costumes of Cowherdesses 232
Chapter 28 Proposal of Rasalila 249
Chapter 29 The salvation of sage Astavakra 260
Chapter 30 Rambha's curse on Astavakra 264
Chapter 31 Description of Mohinis stotra 272
Chapter 32 Stotra of Lord Krsna 278
Chapter 33 The curse of Mohini and shattering of the Brahma's Pride 283
Chapter 34 The birth of Jahnavi 289
Chapter 35 The episode of Brahma 292
Chapter 36 Praise of Siva by lord Krsna 299
Chapter 37 Curse of the "left over" of Siva 307
Chapter 38 Shattering of the Prides of Parvati 311
Chapter 39 Shattering of the Pride of Parvati 316
Chapter 40 Tapas of Parvati 321
Chapter 41 The story of the king Anarnya 332
Chapter 42 Death of Sati 342
Chapter 43 Siva Relived of the Grief 349
Chapter 44 Marriage of Parvati 356
Chapter 45 Marriage of Siva 361
Chapter 46 Married life of Siva and Parvati 367
Chapter 47 Shattering of the Pride of Indra 372
Chapter 48 Shattering of the Pride of the Sun 384
Chapter 49 Shattering of the Pride of Agni 385
Chapter 50 Shattering of the Pride of Durvasa 386
Chapter 51 Shattering of the Pride of Dhanvantari 388
Chapter 52 Description of Rasa Performance of Radha and Madhava 393
Chapter 53 Rasalila of Shri Krisna 396
Chapter 54 Conversation between Sri Krisna and Radha 400
Chapter 55 The Influence of Sri Krsna 402
Chapter 56 Stotra of Laksmi 404
Chapter 57 Detachment of Laksmi 410
Chapter 58 The shattering of the pride of the Goddess Earth, Savitri, Ganga, Manasa and Radha 413
Chapter 59 The prayer of Indrani to her teacher at the shattering of the pride of Indra 414
Chapter 60 Indra Relieved of the Bondage 426
Chapter 61 The shattering of the Pride of Indra through Bali 430
Chapter 62 The life story of Rama 434
Chapter 63 The bad dream of Kamsa 441
Chapter 64 Yajna of Kamsa 443
Chapter 65 Festivities of Akrura 447
Chapter 66 Removal of Radha's Grief 450
Chapter 67 Description of Yoga 451
Chapter 68 Radha's request to Krsna 457
Chapter 69 Description of the sport of Radha and Krsna 459
Chapter 70 The plight of Akrura and departure of Krsna for Vraja 466
Chapter 71 The journey of Krsna 472
Chapter 72 Killing of Kamsa and release of Vasudeva and Devaki 473
Chapter 73 Nanda and others relieved of Grief 480
Chapter 74 Talk between Nanda and Krsna 487
Chapter 75 The imparting of worldly knowledge to Nanda 489
Chapter 76 The description of Visible Things 496
Chapter 77 The God Dreams 501
Chapter 78 Discourse to Nanda on Spiritualism 506
Chapter 79 Reason for not viewing the Eclipsed Sun 511
Chapter 80 The reason for not viewing the moon on the fourth day of the bright fortnight of Bhadrapada 515
Chapter 81 The Abduction of Tara 518
Chapter 82 Subsiding of Evil Dreams 522
Chapter 83 The duties of all the four Varnas and Others 526
Chapter 84 The eatables and non-eatables of the for Varnas 536
Chapter 85 The eatables and non-eatables of the for Varnas 545
Chapter 86 The story of Vrnda 559
Chapter 87 Arrival of Sanatkumara at the time of conversation between Krsna and Nanda 569
Chapter 88 Krsna recites Durga stotra for Nanda 575
Chapter 89 Krsna eulogises Nanda 580
Chapter 90 Description for Yugas 582
Chapter 91 Devaki and Vasudeva speak Nanda 587
Chapter 92 Radha Stotra 588
Chapter 93 Conversation between Radha and Uddhava 595
Chapter 94 Uddhava's Prayer to Radha 601
Chapter 95 Radhas Discourse to Uddhava 609
Chapter 96 Description of the movement of time by Radha 612
Chapter 97 Radha's discourse to Uddhava 619
Chapter 98 Arrival of Uddhava in Mathura and meeting with Krsna 623
Chapter 99 Yajnopavita of Krsna and Coronation of Ganesa 626
Chapter 100 Aditi welcomes Parvati 630
Chapter 101 Yajnopavita of Balarama and Krsna 632
Chapter 102 Prosecuting of study by Krsna and Balabhadra with Sandipani 635
Chapter 103 Building of Dvaraka by Krsna 638
Chapter 104 Entry into Dvaraka and Crowning of Ugrasena 643
Chapter 105 Arrangement for the Marriage of Rukmini 649
Chapter 106 Marriage of Revati and Balarama 654
Chapter 107 Subjugation of Salva by Balabhadra and the stotra recited by Bhismaka 656
Chapter 108 Marriage of Rukmini 663
Chapter 109 Festivities of the Marriage of Krsna and Rukmini 664
Chapter 110 Conversation between Yashoda and Radha 667
Chapter 111 Conversation between Radha and Yashoda 670
Chapter 112 The stories of Prayumna and Durvasa 675
Chapter 113 Durvasa enlightened by Parvati 679
Chapter 114 Union between Usa and Aniruddha 683
Chapter 115 Bana gets ready for a war hearing the news about his Daughter 689
Chapter 116 The episode of Draupadi having five Spouses 697
Chapter 117 Conversation between Siva and Ganesa 701
Chapter 118 Durga dissuades Bana from the war 702
Chapter 119 Bali praises Krsna 705
Chapter 120 Bana presents his daughter to Aniruddha 710
Chapter 121 The story of Srgala 715
Chapter 122 The story of Syamantaka Gem 718
Chapter 123 Glory of Ganesa 721
Chapter 124 Prayer of Radha by Ganesa, Brahma, Siva and Ananta 724
Chapter 125 Rajasuya Yajna of Vasudeva 732
Chapter 126 Meeting of Radha and Krsna 735
Chapter 127 Conjugal pleasure of Radha and Krsna 742
Chapter 128 Krsna spills out the evil of Kali Age 745
Chapter 129 Submerging of Dvaraka and departure of Krsna for the eternal Abode 749
Chapter 130 The marriage of Nanda 756
Chapter 131 The birth of Agni and Gold 761
Chapter 132 Brief of the own story 763
Chapter 133 Characteristics features of the Purana 769


Sample Pages

Volume I

Volume II



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