The Dhammapada Verses and Stories

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Item Code: IDI693
Publisher: Sri Satguru Publications
Author: Daw Mya Tin
Edition: 1990
ISBN: 8170302218
Pages: 529
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 8.6" X 5.5
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Book Description

From The Jacket

Dhammapada is one of the best known books of the Pitaka. It is a collection o the teachings o the Buddha expressed in clear, pithy verses. These verses were culled from various discourses given by the Buddha in the course of forty-five years of his teaching, as he travelled the valley of the Ganges and the sub-mountain tract of the Himalayas. Each verse contains a truth (dhamma), an exhortation, a piece of advice.

The present book is divided into two parts. Part 1 is the translation of the verses. The present translation of verses is from Pali into English. The Pali text used is the Dhammapada Pali approved by the Sixth International Buddhist Synod. When there is any doubt in the interpretation the dhamma concept of the verses or when the literal meaning is vague or inintelligible, the dhamma concept of the verses or when the literal meaning is vague or inintelligible, the translator has refered to the Commentary (in Pali) and the Burmese translation o the Commentary by the Nyaunglebin Sayadaw, a very learned thera. The second part of the book contains summaries of the Dhammapada stories as it is generally belived that the Dhammapada commentary written by Buddhaghosa is a great help towards a better understanding of the Dhamapada. Three hundred and five stories are included in the commentary. A translation of the verses is given at the end of each story.

In the end book contains glossary of the terms and an index of the words.


Dhammapada is one of the best known books of the Pitaka. It is a collection of the teachings of the Buddha expressed in clear, pithy verses. These verses were culled from various discourses given by the Buddha in the course of forty-five years of his teaching, as he travelled in the valley of the Ganges (Ganga) and the sub-mountain tract of the Himalayas. These verses are often terse, witty and convincing. Whenever similes are used, they are those that are easily understood even by a child, e.g., the cart's wheel, a man's shadow, a deep pool, flowers. Through these verses. The Buddha exhorts one to achieve that greatest of all conquests, the conquest of self; to escape from the evils of passion, hatred and ignorance; and to strive hard to attain freedom from craving and freedom from the round of rebirths. Each verse contains a truth (dhamma), an exhortation, a piece of advice.

Dhammapada verses are often quoted by many in many countries of the world and the book has been translated into many languages. One of the earliest translations into English was made by Max Muller in 1870. Other translations that followed are those by F. L. Woodward in 1921, by Wagismara and Saunders in 1920, and by A. L Edmunds (Hymns of the Faith) in 1902. of the recent translations, that by Narada Mahathera is the most widely known. Dr. Walpola Rahula also has translated some selected verses from the Dhammapada and has given them at the end of his book 'What the Buddha Taught,' revised edition. The Chinese version of the Dhammapada was translated into English by Samuel Beal (Texts from the Buddhist Canon known as Dhammapada) in 1878.

In Burma, translations have been made into Burmese, mostly in prose, some with paraphrases, explanations and abridgements of stories relating to the verses. In recent years, some books on Dhamapada with both Burmese and English translations, together with Pali verses, have also been published.

The Dhammapada is the second book of the Khuddaka Nikaya of the Suttanta Pitaka, consisting of four hundred and twenty-three verses in twenty-six chapters arranged under various heads. In the Dhammapada are enshrined the basic tenets of the Buddha's Teaching.

Verse (21), which begins with "Appamado amatapadam" meaning "Mindfulness is the way to Nibbana, the Deathless," is a very important and significant verse. Mindfulness is the most important element in Tranquility and Insight Meditation. The last exhortation of the Buddha just before he passed away was also to be mindful and to endeavour diligently (to complete the task of attaining freedom from the round of rebirths through Magga and Phala). It is generally accepted that it was on account of this verse on mindfulness that the Emperor Asoka of India and King Anawrahta of Burma became converts to Buddhism. Both kings had helped greatly in the propagation of Buddhism in their respective countries.

In verse (29) the Buddha has coupled his call for mindfulness with a sense of urgency. The verse runs: "Mindful amongst the negligent, highly vigilant amongst the drowsy, the wise man advances like a race horse leaving the jade behind.

Verses (1) and (2) illustrate the immutable law of Kamma, under which every deed, good or bad, comes back to the doer. Here, the Buddha emphasizes the importance of mind in all our actions and speaks of the inevitable consequences of our deeds, words and thoughts.

Verses (153) and (154) are expressions of sublime and intense joy uttered by the Buddha at the very moment of his Enlightenment. These two verses give us a graphic account of the culmination of the Buddha's search for Truth. They tell us about the Buddha finding the 'house-builder,' Craving, the cause of repeated births in Samsara. Having rid of Craving, for him no more houses (khandhas) shall be built by Craving, and there will be no more rebirths.

Verses (277), (278) and (279) are also important as they tell us about the impermanent, unsatisfactory and the non-self nature of all conditioned things. It is very important that one should perceive the true nature of all conditioned things and become weary of the khandhas, for this is the Path to Purity.

Then the Buddha shows us the Path leading to the liberation from round of rebirths, i.e., the Path with eight constituents (Atthangiko Maggo) in Verse (273). Furthe3r, the Buddha exhorts us to make our own effort in Verse (276) saying, "You yourselves should make the effort, the Tathagatas only show the way." Verse (183) gives us the teaching of the Buddhas. It says, "Do no evil, cultivate merit, purify one's mind; this is the teaching of the Buddhas.

In Verse (24) the Buddha shows us the way to success in life, thus: "If a person is energetic, mindful, pure in thought, word and deed, if he does everything with care and consideration, restrains his senses earns his living according to the Dhamma and is not unheedful, then, the fame and fortune of that mindful person increase."

These are some of the examples of the gems to be found in the Dhammapada. Dhammapada is, indeed, a philosopher, guide and friend to all.

This translation of verses is from Pali into English. The Pali text used is the Dhammapada Pali approved by the Sixth International Buddhist Synod. We have tried to make the translation as close to the text as possible, but sometimes it is very difficult, if not impossible, to find an English word that would exactly correspond to a Pali word. For example, we cannot yet find a single English word that can convey the real meaning of the word "dukkha" used in the exposition of the Four Noble Truths. In this translation, wherever the term "dukkha" carries the same meaning as it does in the Four Noble Truths, it is left untranslated, but only explained.

When there is any doubt in the interpretation of the dhamma concept of the verses or when the literal meaning is vague or unintelligible, we have referred to the Commentary (in Pali) and the Burmese translation of the commentary by the Nyaunglebin Sayadaw, a very learned thera. On many occasions we have also consulted the teachers of the Dhamma (dhammacariyas) for elucidation of perplexing words and sentences.

In addition we have also consulted Burmese translations of the Dhammapada, especially the translation by the Union Buddha Sasana Council, the translation by the Sangaja Sayadaw (1805-1976), a leading maha thera in the time of King Mindon and King Thibaw, and also the translation by Sayadaw also includes paraphrases and abridgements of the Dhammapada stories.


Dhammapada Stories

Summaries of the Dhammapada stories are given in the second part of the book as it is generally belived that the Dhammapada Commentary written by Buddhaghosa (5th century A. D.) is a great help towards a better understanding of the Dhammapada. Three hundred and five stories are included in the Commentary. Most of the incidents mentioned in the stories took place during the life-time of the Buddha. In some stories, some facts about some past existences were also retold.

In writing summaries of stories we have not tried to translate the Commentary. We have simply culled the facts of the stores and have rewritten them briefly. A translation of the verses is given at the end of each story.


Chapter I The Pairs (Yamakavagga)  
1 Cakkhupalatthera Vatthu 1
2 Matthakudali Vatthu 2
3 Tissatthira Vatthu 2
4 Kalayakkhini Vatthu 3
5 Kosambaka Vatthu 3
6 Mahakalatthera Vatthu 4
7 Devadatta Vatthu 5
8 Sariputtatthera Vatthu 5
9 Nandatthera Vatthu 6
10 Cundasukarika Vatthu 6
11 Dhammika-upasaka Vatthu 7
12 Devadatta Vatthu 7
13 Sumanadevi Vatthu 7
14 Dvesahayakabhikkhu Vatthu 8
Chapter II Mindfulness (Appamadavagga)  
1 Samavati Vatthu 9
2 Kumbhaghosakasetthi Vatthu 11
3 Culapanthaka Vatthu 11
4 Balanakkhattasanghuttha Vatthu 11
5 Mahakassapathera Vatthu 12
6 Dvesahayakabhikkhu Vatthu 12
7 Magha Vatthu 13
8 Annatarabhikkhu Vatthu 13
9 Nigamavasitissatthera Vatthu 13
Chapter III The Mind (Cittavagga)  
1 Meghiyatthera Vatthu 14
2 Annatarabhikkhu Vatthu 14
3 Ukkanthitabhikkhu Vatthu 15
4 Samgharakkhitatthera Vatthu 15
5 Cittahatthatthera Vatthu 15
6 Pancasatabhikkhu Vatthu 16
7 Putigatatissatthara Vatthu 17
8 Nandagopalaka Vatthu 17
9 Soreyya Vatthu 17
Chapter IV Flowers (Pupphavagga)  
1 Pancasatabhikkhu Vatthu 18
2 Maricikammatthanika Bhikkhu Vatthu 19
3 Vitatubha Vatthu 19
4 Patipujikakumari Vatthu 20
5 Macchariyakosiyasetthi Vatthu 20
6 Paveyya Ajivaka Vatthu 20
7 Chattapani Upasaka Vatthu 20
8 Visakha Vatthu 21
9 Anandattherapanha Vatthu 21
10 Mahakassapatthera Vatthu 22
11 Godhikattheraparinibbana Vatthu 22
12 Garahadinna Vatthu 22
Chapter V The Fool (Balavagga)  
1 Annatarapurisa Vatthu 24
2 Mahakassapa Saddhiviharika Vatthu 24
3 Anandasetthi Vatthu 24
4 Gandhibhedakacora Vatthu 25
5 Udayitthera Vatthu 25
6 Timsapaveyyakabhikkhu Vatthu 25
7 Suppabuddhakutthi Vatthu 25
8 Kassaka Vatthu 26
9 Sumanamalakara Vatthu 26
10 Uppalavannattheri Vatthu 26
11 Jambukathera Vatthu 26
12 Ahipeta Vatthu 27
13 Satthikupeti Vatthu 27
14 Cittagahapati Vatthu 27
15 Vanavasitissasamanera Vatthu 28
Chapter VI The Wise (Panditavagga)  
1 Radhatthera Vatthu 29
2 Assajipunbbasuka Vatthu 29
3 Channatthera Vatthu 29
4 Mahakappinatthera Vatthu 30
5 Panditasamanera Vatthu 30
6 Lakundakabhaddiyatthera Vatthu 30
7 Kannamata Vatthu 30
8 Pancassatabhikkhu Vatthu 31
9 Dhammikatthera Vatthu 31
10 Dhammassavana Vatthu 31
11 Pancasata Agantukabhikkhu Vatthu 32
Chapter VII The Arahat (Arahantavagga)  
1 Jivakapanha Vatthu 34
2 Mahakassapatthera Vatthu 34
3 Belatthasisatthera Vatthu 35
4 Anuraddhattera Vatthu 35
5 Mahakaccayanatthera Vatthu 36
6 Sariputtatthera Vatthu 36
7 Kosambivasitissattherasamanera Vatthu 36
8 Sariputtatthera Vatthu 37
9 Khadiravaniyarevatthera Vatthu 37
10 Annatara Itthi Vatthu 37
Chapter VIII The Thousand (Sahassavagga)  
1 Tambadathika Coraghataka Vatthu 38
2 Bahiyadaruciriya Vatthu 38
3 Kundalakesitheri Vatthu 38
4 Anatthapucchakabrahmana Vatthu 39
5 Sariputtattherassa Matula Brahmana Vatthu 39
6 Sariputtherassa Bhagineyya Vatthu 39
7 Sariputtattherassa Sahayaka Brahmana Vatthu 40
8 Ayurvaddhanakumara Vatthu 40
9 Samkiccasamanera Vatthu 40
10 Khanu Kondannatthera Vatthu 41
11 Sappadasatthera Vatthu 41
12 Patacaratheri Vatthu 41
13 Kisagotami Vatthu 42
14 Bahuputtikattheri Vatthu 42
Chapter IX Evil (Papavagga)  
1 Culekasataka Vatthu 43
2 Seyyasakatthera Vatthu 43
3 Lajadevadhia Vatthu 43
4 Anathapindikasetthi Vatthu 43
5 Asannataparikkhara Vatthu 44
6 Bilalapadakasetthi Vatthu 44
7 Mahadhanavanija Vatthu 45
8 Kukkutamittanessada Vatthu 45
9 Kokasunakhaluddaka Vatthu 45
10 Manikarakulupaka Tissatthera Vatthu 46
11 Tayojana Vatthu 46
12 Suppabuddhasakya Vatthu 46
Chapter X Punishment (Dandavagga)  
1 & 2 Chabbaggiya Bhikkhu Vatthu 47
3 Sambahula Kumaraka Vatthu 47
4 Kondadhanatthera Vatthu 48
5 Uposarhika I thinam Vatthu 48
6 Ajagarapeta Vatthu 48
7 Maha Moggallanatthera Vatthu 49
8 Bahubhandika Bhikkhu Vatthu 49
9 Santati Mahamatta Vatthu 50
10 Pilotikatissatthera Vatthu 50
11 Sukhasamanera Vatthu 51
Chapter XI Ageing (Jaravagga)  
1 Visakhava Sahayikanam Vatthu 52
2 Sirima Vatthu 52
3 Uttaratheri Vatthu 52
4 Sambahula Adhimanikakkhu Vatthu 53
5 Janapadakalyani Rupanadatheri Vatthu 53
6 Mallikadevi Vatthu 53
7 Laludayi Thera Vatthu 53
8 Udana Vatthu 54
9 Mahadhanasetthiputta Vatthu 54
Chapter XII Self (Attavagga)  
1 Bodhirrajakumara Vatthu 56
2 Upanandasakyaputtatthera Vatthu 56
3 Padhanikatissatthera Vatthu 56
4 Kumarakassapamatthera Vatthu 57
5 Mahakala Upasaka Vatthu 57
6 Devadatta Vatthu 57
7 Samghabhedaparisakkana Vatthu 57
8 Kalatthera Vatthu 58
9 Culakala Upasaka Vatthu 58
10 Attadatthatthera Vatthu 58
Chapter XIII The World (Lokavagga)  
1 Daharabhikhu Vatthu 59
2 Suddhodana Vatthu 59
3 Pancasatavipassakabhikkhu Vatthu 60
4 Abhayarajakumara Vatthu 60
5 Sammajjanatthera Vatthu 60
6 Angulimalatthera Vatthu 61
7 Pesakaradhikkhu Vatthu 61
8 Timasabhikkhu Vatthu 61
9 Cincamanavika Vatthu 62
10 Asadisadana Vatthu 62
11 Anathapindikaputtakala Vatthu 62
Chapter XIV The Buddha (Buddhavagga)  
1 Maradhitara Vatthu 63
2 Devorohana Vatthu 64
3 Erakapattanagaraja Vatthu 64
4 Anandatherapanha Vatthu 64
5 Anabhiratabhikkhu Vatthu 65
6 Aggidattabrahmana Vatthu 65
7 Anandattheraoanha Vatthu 66
8 Sambahulabhikkhu Vatthu 67
9 Kassapadasabalassa Suvannacetity Vatthu 67
Chapter XV Happiness (Sukhavagga)  
1 Natikalahavupasamana Vatthu 68
2 Mara Vatthu 68
3 Kosalaranno Parajaya Vatthu 69
4 Annatarakuladarika Vatthu 69
5 Eka Upasaka Vatthu 69
6 Pasenadikosala Vatthu 70
7 Tissatthera Vatthu 70
8 Sakka Vatthu 70
Chapter XVI Affection (Piyavagga)  
1 Tayojanapabbajita Vattha 72
2 Annatarakutumbika Vatthu 72
3 Visakha Vatthu 73
4 Licchavi Vatthu 73
5 Anitthigandhakumara Vatthu 73
6 Annatarabrahmana Vatthu 73
7 Pancasatadaraka Vatthu 74
8 Eka Anagamitthera Vatthu 74
9 Nandiya Vatthu 74
Chapter XVII Impurities (Malavagga)  
1 Goghatakaputta Vatthu 79
2 Annatarabrahmana Vatthu 80
3 Tissatthera Vatthu 80
4 Laludayi Vatthu 80
5 Annatarakulaputta Vatthu 80
6 Culasaribhikkhu Vatthu 81
7 Panca Upasaka Vatthu 81
8 Tissadahahara Vatthu 82
9 Panca Upasaka Vatthu 82
10 Mendakasetthi Vatthu 83
11 Ujjhanasannitthera Vatthu 83
12 Subhaddhaparibbajaka Vatthu 83
Chapter XIX The Just or the Righteous (Dhammatthavagga)  
1 Vinicchayamahamatta Vatthu 85
2 Chabbaggiya Vatthu 85
3 Ekudanakhinasava Vatthu 85
4 Lakudakabhaddiyatthera Vatthu 86
5 Sambahalabhikkhu Vatthu 86
6 Hatthaka Vatthu 87
7 Annatarabrahmana Vatthu 87
8 Titthiya Vatthu 88
9 Balisika Vatthu 88
10 Sambahulasiladisampannabhikkhu Vatthu 88
Chapter XX The Path (Maggavagga)  
1 Pancasatabhikkhu Vatthu 90
2, 3 and 4 Aniccalakkana, Dukkhalakkana & Anatthalakkhana Vatthu 91
5 Padhanakammikammikatissatthera Vatthu 92
6 Sukarapeta Vatthu 92
7 Potthilatthera Vatthu 92
8 Pancamahallakabhikkhu Vatthu 93
9 Suvannakaratthera Vatthu 93
10 Mahadhanavanija Vatthu 93
11 Kisagotami Vattha 94
12 Patacara Vatthu 94
Chapter XXI Miscellaneous (Pakinnakavagga)  
1 Attanopubbakamma Vatthu 95
2 Kukkutandakhadika Vatthu 95
3 Bhaddhiyanam Bhikkhunam Vatthu 95
4 Lakundaka Bhaddiya Vatthu 96
5 Darusakatikaputta Vatthu 96
6 Vajjiputtakabhikkhu Vatthu 98
7 Cittagahapati Vatthu 98
8 Culasubhadda Vatthu 98
9 Ekaviharitthera Vatthu 99
Chapter XXII The Chapter on Niraya (Nirayavagga)  
1 Sundariparibbajika Vatthu 100
2 Duccaritaphalapilita Vatthu 100
3 Vaggumudadriya Bhikkhu Vatthu 100
4 Khemakasetthiputta Vatthu 101
5 Dubbacabhikkhu Vatthu 101
6 Issapakata Itthi Vatthu 102
7 Sambahulabhikhu Vatthu 102
8 Nigantha Vatthu 103
9 Titthiyasavaka Vatthu 103
Chapter XXIII The Elephant (Nagavagga)  
1 Attadanta Vatthu 104
2 Hatthacariyapubbaka Bhikkhu Vatthu 104
3 Parijinna Brahmanaputta Vatthu 105
4 Pasenadikosala Vatthu 105
5 Sanusamanera Vatthu 105
6 Paveyyakahanhi Vatthu 105
7 Sambahulabhikkhu Vatthu 106
8 Mara Vatthu 106
Chapter XXIV Craving (Tanhavagga)  
1 Kapilamaccha Vatthu 108
2 Sukarapotika Vatthu 109
3 Vibhantabhikhu Vatthu 110
4 Eandhanagara Vatthu 110
5 Khematheri Vatthu 111
6 Uggasena Vatthu 111
7 Culadhanuggaha Pandita Vatthu 111
8 Mara Vatthu 112
9 Upakajivaka Vatthu 113
10 Sakkapanha Vatthu 113
11 Aputtakasetthi Vatthu 113
12 Ankura Vatthu 114
Chapter XXV The Bhikkhu (Bhikkhuvagga)  
1 Pancabhikkhu Vatthu 115
2 Hamsaghatakabhikkhu Vatthu 115
3 Kokalika Vatthu 115
4 Dhammaramatthera Vatthu 116
5 Vipakkhasevaka Bhikkhu Vatthu 116
6 Pancaggadayaka Brahmana Vatthu 117
7 Sambahulabhikkhu Vatthu 117
8 Pancasatabhikkhu Vatthu 119
9 Santakayatthera Vatthu 120
10 Nagalakulatthera Vatthu 120
11 Vakkalithera Vatthu 120
12 Sumanasamanera Vatthu 121
Chapter XXVI Brahmana or Arahat (Brahmanavagga)  
1 Pasadabahulabrahmana Vatthu 122
2 Sambahulabhikkhu Vatthu 122
3 Mara Vatthu 122
4 Annatarabrahmana Vatthu 123
5 Anandatthera Vatthu 123
6 Annatarabrahmana Pabajita Vatthu 123
7 Sariputtatthera Vatthu 124
8 Mahapajapatigotami Vatthu 124
9 Sariputtatthera Vatthu 124
10 Jatilabrahmana Vatthu 125
11 Kuhakabrahmana Vatthu 125
12 Kisagotami Vatthu 125
13 Eka Brahmana Vatthu 126
14 Ugasenasetthiputta Vatthu 126
15 Dve Brahmana Vatthu 126
16 Akkosakabharadvaja Vatthu 127
17 Sariputtatthera Vatthu 127
18 Uppalayanna Their Vatthu 127
19 Annaparabrahmana Vatthu 128
20 Khemabhikkhuni Vatthu 128
21 Pabbharavasitissathera Vatthu 128
22 Annatarabhikkhu Vatthu 129
23 Samaneranam Vatthu 129
24 Mahapanthakatthera Vatthu 129
25 Pilindavacchakatthera Vatthu 130
26 Annatarabhinam Vatthu 130
27 Sariputtatthera Vatthu 130
28 Mahamoggalianatthera Vatthu 130
29 Revatatthera Vatthu 131
30 Candavacchatthera Vatthu 131
31 Sivalitthera Vatthu 131
32 Sundarasamuddatthera Vatthu 132
33 Jatilatthera Vatthu 132
34 Jotikatthera Vatthu 132
35 Nataputtakatthera Vatthu 132
36 Nataputtakatthera Vatthu 133
37 Vangisathera Vatthu 133
38 Dhammadinna Theri Vatthu 133
39 Angulimalatthera Vatthu 134
40 Devahitabrahmana Vatthu 134
Chapter The Pairs (Yamakavagga)  
1 The Story of Thera Cakkhupala 135
2 The Story of Matthakundali 136
3 The Story of Thera Tissa 137
4 The Story of Kalayakkhini 138
5 The Story of Kosambi Bhikkhus 139
6 The Story of Thera Mahakala 140
7 The Story of Devadatta 141
8 The Story of Thera Sariputta 143
9 The Story of Thera Nanda 145
10 The Story of Cundasukarika 147
11 The Story of Dhammika Upasaka 147
12 The Story of Devadatta 148
13 The Story of Sumanadevi 150
14 The Story of Two Friends 151
Chapter II Mindfulness (Appamadavagga)  
1 The Story of Samavati 153
2 The Story of Kumbhaghosaka, the Banker 156
3 The Story of Culapanthaka 158
4 The Story of Balankkhatta Festival 160
5 The Story of Thera Mahakassapa 161
6 The Story of the Two Companion Bhikkhus 161
7 The Story of Magha 162
8 The Story of Certain Bhikkhu 163
9 The Story of Thera Nigamavasitissa 164
Chapter III The Mind (Cittavagga)  
1 The Story of Thera Meghiya 166
2 The Story of a Certain Bhikkhu 167
3 The Story of a Certain Disgruntled Bhikkhu 168
4 The Story of Thera Samgharakkhita 169
5 The Story of Thera Cittahattha 171
6 The Story of Five Hundred Bhikkhus 172
7 The Story of Tissa, the Thera with a Stinking Body 174
8 The Story of Nanda, the Herdsman 175
9 The Story of Soreyya 176
Chapter IV Flowers (Pupphavagga)  
  (1) The Story of Five Hundred Bhikkhus 179
  (2) The Story of the Bhikkhu who Contemplates the Body as a Mirage 180
  (3) The Story of Vitatubha 180
  (4) The Story of Patipujika Kumari 182
  (5) The Story of Kosiya, the Miserly Rich Man 183
  (6) The Story of the Ascetic Paveyya 184
  (7) The Story of Chatapani, a Lay Disciple 185
  (8) The Story of Visakha 186
  (9) The Story of the Question Raised by the Venerable Ananda 189
  (10) The Story of Thera Mahakassapa 190
  (11) The Story of Thera Godhika 191
  (12) The Story of Garahadinna 192
Chapter V The Fool (Balavagga)  
  (1) The Story of a Certain Person 195
  (2) The Story of a Resident Pupil of Thera Mahakassapa 197
  (3) The Story of Ananda, the Rich Man 197
  (4) The Story of Two Pick-Pockets 199
  (5) The Story of Thera Udayi 199
  (6) The Story of Thirty Bhikkhus from Paveyyaka 200
  (7) The Story of Suppabhuddha, the Leper 201
  (8) The Story of a Farmer 202
  (9) The Story of Sumana, the Florist 203
  (10) The Story of Their Uppalavanna 204
  (11) The Story of Thera Jambuka 205
  (12) The Story of Ahipeta 207
  (13) The Story of Satthikutapeta 208
  (14) The Story of Citta the Householder 209
  (15) The Story of Samanera Tissa of the Forest Monastery 211
Chapter VI The Wise (Panditavagga)  
  (1) The Story of Thera Radha 214
  (2) The Story of Bhikkhus Assaji and Puna bbasuka 215
  (3) The Story of Thera Channa 215
  (4) The Story of Thera Mahakappina 216
  (5) The Story of Samanera Pandita 218
  (6) The Story of Thera Lakundaka Bhaddiya 219
  (7) The Story of Kanamata 220
  (8) The Story of Five Hundred Bhikkhus 222
  (9) The Story of Thera Dhammika 223
  (10) The Story of Dhamma Listeners 224
  (11) The Story of Five Hundred Visiting Bhikkhus 225
Chapter VII The Arahat (Arahantavagga)  
  (1) The Story of the Question Asked by Jivaka 226
  (2) The Story of Thera Mahakassapa 227
  (3) The Story of Thera Belatthasisa 228
  (4) The Story of Thera Anuruddha 228
  (5) The Story of Thera Mahakaccayana 229
  (6) The Story of Thera Sariputta 230
  (7) The Story of a Samanera from Kosambi 231
  (8) The Story of Thera Sariputta 232
  (9) The Story of Thera Revata 233
  (10) The Story of a Woman 235
Chapter VIII The Thousand (Sahassavagga)  
  (1) The Story of Tambadathika 236
  (2) The Story of Bahiyadaruciriya 237
  (3) The Story of their Kundalakesi 239
  (4) The Story of the Brahmin Anatthapucchaka 241
  (5) The Story of Thera Sariputta's Uncle 242
  (6) The Story of Thera Sariputta's Nephew 242
  (7) The Story of Thera Sariputta's Friend 243
  (8) The Story of Ayuvaddhanakumara 244
  (9) The Story of Samanera Samkicca 245
  (10)The Story of Khanu-Sappadasa 247
  (11) The Story of Thera Sappadasa 248
  (12) The Story of Their Patacara 249
  (13) The Story of Their Kisagotami 251
  (14) The Story of Their Bahuputtika 253
Chapter IX Evil (Papavagga)  
  (1) The Story of Culekasataka 255
  (2) The Story of Thera Seyyasaka 257
  (3) The story of Lajadevadhita 257
  (4) The Story of Anathapindika 258
  (5) The Story of a Careless Bhikkhu 260
  (6) The Story of Bilalapadaka 260
  (7) The Story of Mahadhana 262
  (8) The Story of Kukkutamitta 263
  (9) The Story of Koka the Huntsman 265
  (10) The Story of Thera Tissa 266
  (11) The Story of Three Group of Persons 268
  (12) The Story of King Suppabuddha 270
Chapter X Punishment (Dandavagga)  
  (1) The Story of a Group of Six Bhikkhus 272
  (2) The Story of a Group of Six Bhikkhus 272
  (3) The Story of Many Youths 273
  (4) The Story of Thera Kondadhana 273
  (5) The Story of Some Ladies Observing the Moral Precepts 275
  (6) The Story of the Boa Constrictor Peta 276
  (7) The Story of Thera Maha Moggallana 277
  (8) The Story of Bhikkhu Bahubhandika 278
  (9) The Story of Santati the Minister 280
  (10) The Story of Thera Pilotikatissa 281
  (11) The Story of Samanera Sukha 283
Chapter XI Ageing (Jaravagga)  
  (1) The Story of the Companions of Visakha 285
  (2) The Story of Sirima 286
  (3) The Story of Their Uttara 287
  (4) The Story of Adhimanika Bhikkhu 288
  (5) The Story of Their Rupananda (Janapadakalyani) 289
  (6) The Story of Queen Mallika 291
  (7) The Story of Thera Laludayi 292
  (8) The Story Concerning the "Words of Exultation of the Buddha" 293
  (9) The Story of the Son of Mahadhana 294
Chapter XII Self (Attavagga)  
  (1) The Story of Boddhirajakumara 226
  (2) The Story of Thera Upananda Sakyaputta 297
  (3) The Story of Thera Padhanikatissa 298
  (4) The Story of the Mother of Kumarakassapa 299
  (5) The Story of Mahakala Upasaka 301
  (6) The Story of Davadatta 302
  (7) The Story of Schism in the Order 303
  (8) The Story of Thera Kala 305
  (9) The Story of Culakala Upasaka 306
  (10) The Story of Thera Attadattha 307
Chapter XIII The World (Lokavagga)  
  (1) The Story of a young Bhikkhu 308
  (2) The Story of King Suddhodana 309
  (3) The Story of five Hundred Bhikkhus 310
  (4) The Story of Prince Abhaya 311
  (5) The Story of Thera Sammajjana 311
  (6) The Story of Thera Angulimala 312
  (7) The Story of the Weaver-Girl 315
  (8) The Story of Thirty Bhikkhus 317
  (9) The Story of Cincamanavika 318
  (10) The Story of the Unrivalled Alms-Giving 319
  (11) The Story of Kala, son of Anathapindika 321
Chapter XIV The Buddha (Buddhavagga)  
  (1) The Story of the Three Daughters of Mara 223
  (2) The Story of the Buddha's Return From the Tavatimsa Deva World 324
  (3) The Story of Erakapatta the Naga King 326
  (4) The Story of the Question raised by Thera Ananda 327
  (5) The Story of a Dissatisfied Young Bhikkhu 328
  (6) The Story of Aggidatta 329
  (7) The Story of the Question Raised by Thera Ananda 331
  (8) The Story of Many Bhikkhus 332
  (9) The Story of the Golden Stupa of Kassapa Buddha 333
Chapter XV Happiness (Sukhavagga)  
  (1) The Story of the Pacification of the Relatives of the Buddha 335
  (2) The Story of Mara 336
  (3) The Story of the defeat of the King of Kosala 337
  (4) The Story of a Young Bride 338
  (5) The Story of a Lay-disciple 339
  (6) The Story of King Pasenadi of Kosala 340
  (7) The Story of Thera Tissa 340
  (8) The Story of Sakka 341
Chapter XVI Affection (Piyavagga)  
  (1) The Story of the Three Daughters of Mara 323
  (2) The Story of the Buddha's Return from the Tavatimsa Deva World 324
  (3) The Story of Erakapatta the Naga King 326
  (4) The Story of the Question raised by Thera Ananda 327
  (5) The Story of a Dissatisfied Young Bhikkhu 328
  (6) The Story of Aggidatta 329
  (7) The Story of the Question Raised by Thera Ananda 331
  (8) The Story of Many Bhikkhus 332
  (9) The Story of the Golden Stupa of Kassapa Buddha 333
Chapter XV Happiness (Sukhavagga)  
  (1) The Story of the Pacification of the Relatives of the Buddha 335
  (2) The Story of Mara 336
  (3) the Story of the Defeat of the King of Kosala 337
  (4) The Story of a Young Bride 338
  (5) The Story of a Lay-disciple 339
  (6) The Story of King Pasenadi of Kosala 340
  (7) The Story of Thera Tissa 340
  (8) The Story of Sakka 341
Chapter XVI Affection (Piyavagga)  
  (1) The Story of Three Ascetics 343
  (2) The Story of a Rich Householder 343
  (3) The Story of Visakha 344
  (4) The Story of Licchavi Princes 345
  (5) The Story of Anitthigandha Kumara 345
  (6) The Story of a Brahmin 346
  (7) The Story of Five Hundred Boys 347
  (8) The Story of an Anagami Thera 348
  (9) The Story of Nandiya 349
Chapter XVII Anger (Kodhavagga)  
  (1) The Story of princess Rohini 350
  (2) The Story of a Bhikkhu 351
  (3) the Story of Uttara the Lay-disciple 352
  (4) The Story of the Question Raised by Thera Maha Moggallana 354
  (5) The Story of the Brahmin Who Had Been the 'Father of the Buddha' 355
  (6) The Story of Punna the Slave-Girl 356
  (7) The Story of Atula the Lay-Disciple 357
  (8) The Story of a Group of Six Bhikkhus 358
Chapter XVIII Impurities (Malavagga)  
  (1) The Story of the Son of a Butcher 360
  (2) The Story of a Brahmin 361
  (3) The Story of Thera Tissa 362
  (4) The Story of Laludayi 363
  (5) The Story of a Man whose Wife Committed Adultery 364
  (6) The Story of Culasari 365
  (7) The Story of Five Lay-Disciples 365
  (8) The Story of Tissa 366
  (9) The Story of Five Lay-Disciples 365
  (10) The Story of Mendaka the Rich Man 368
  (11) The Story of Thera Ujjhanasanni 369
  (12) The Story of Subhadda the Wandering Ascetic 370
Chapter XIX The Just or the Righteous (Dhammatthavagga)  
  (1) The Story of the Judge 372
  (2) The Story of a Group of Six Bhikkhus 372
  (3) The Story of Ekudana the Arahat 373
  (4) The Story of Thera Bhaddiya 374
  (5) The Story of Some Bhikkhus 375
  (6) The Story of Bhikkhu Hatthaka 376
  (7) The Story of a Brahmin 376
  (8) The Story of the Followers of Non-Buddhist Doctrines 377
  (9) The Story of a Fisherman Named Ariya 378
  (10) The Story of Some Bhikkhus 379
Chapter XX The Path (Maggavagga)  
  (1) The Story of Five Hundred Bhikkhus 380
  (2) (3) & (4) Stories relating to Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta 381
  (5) The Story of Thera Tissa the Idle One 382
  (6) The Story of a Swine Peta 383
  (7) The Story of Thera Potthila 384
  (8) The Story of Five Old Bhikkhus 385
  (9) The Story of a Thera who Had Been a Goldsmith 386
  (10) The Story of Mahadhana, a Merchant 387
  (11) The Story of Kisagotami 388
  (12) The Story of Patacara 389
Chapter XXI Miscellaneous (Pakinnakavagga)  
  (1) The Story of the Buddha's Former Deeds 390
  (2) The Story of the Woman Who Ate Up the Eggs of a Hen 393
  (3) The Story of the Baddiya Bhikkhus 394
  (4) The Story of Thera Bhaddiya, the Short One 395
  (5) The Story of a Wood-Cutter's Son 396
  (6) The Story of the Bhikkhu from the Country of the Vijjis 398
  (7) The Story of Citta the Householder 399
  (8) The Story of Culasubhadda 400
  (9) The Story of the Thera Who Stayed Alone 401
Chapter XXII The Chapter on Niraya (Nirayavagga)  
  (1) The Story of Sundari the Wandering Female Ascetic 402
  (2) The Story of those Who Suffered for Their Evil Deeds 403
  (3) The Bhikkhus Who Lived on the Bank of the Vaggumuda River 404
  (4) The Story of Khemaka, the Son of a Rich Man 405
  (5) The Story of the Obstinate Bhikkhu 406
  (6) The Story of a Woman of Jealous Disposition 407
  (7) The Story of Many Bhikkhus 408
  (8) The Story of the Nigantha Ascetics 408
  (9) The Story of the Disciples of Non-Buddhist Ascetics 409
Chapter XXIII The Elephant (Nagavagga)  
  (1) On Subduing Oneself 411
  (2) The Story of the Bhikkhu Who Had Been a Trainer of Elephants 412
  (3) The Story of an Old Brahmin 413
  (4) The Story of King Pasenadi of Kosala 414
  (5) The Story of Samanera Sanu 415
  (6) The Story of the elephant Called Paveyyaka 416
  (7) The Story of a Number of Bhikkhus 417
  (8) The Story of Mara 418
Chapter XXIV Craving (Tanhavagga)  
  (1) The Story of Kapila the Fish 420
  (2) The Story of a Young Sow 421
  (3) The Story of an Ex-Bhikkhu 423
  (4) The Story on Imprisonment 424
  (5) The Story of Their Khema 424
  (6) The Story of Uggasena 426
  (7) The Story of Culadhanuggaha, the Skilful Archer 427
  (8) The Story of Mara 428
  (9) The Story of Upaka 429
  (10) The Story of the Questions Raised by Sakka 430
  (11) The Story of a Childless Rich Man 431
  (12) The Story of Deva Ankura 432
Chapter XXV The Bhikkhu (Bhikkhuvagga)  
  (1) The Story of Five Bhikkhus 434
  (2) The Story of a Bhikkhu Who Killed a Swan (hamsa) 434
  (3) The Story of Bhikkhu Kokalika 435
  (4) The Story of Thera Dhammarama 436
  (5) The Story of a Bhikkhu who Associated with a Follower of Devadatta 437
  (6) The Story of the Giver of the First-Fruits of His Labour 438
  (7) The Story of a Great Many Bhikkhus 439
  (8) The Story of five Hundred Bhikkhus 442
  (9) The Story of Thera Santakaya 443
  (10) The Story of Thera Nangalakula 444
  (11) The Story of Thera Vakkali 445
  (12) The Story of Samanera Sumana 446
Chapter XXVI The Brahmana (Brahmanavagga)  
  (1) The Story of a Brahmin Who Had Great Faith 448
  (2) The Story of Thirty Bhikkhus 449
  (3) The Story of Mara 449
  (4) The Story of a Certain Brahmin 450
  (5) The Story of Thera Ananda 450
  (6) The Story of a Brahmin Recluse 451
  (7) The Story of Thera Sariputta 451
  (8) The Story of Their Mahapajapati Gotami 453
  (9) The Story of Thera Sariputta 454
  (10) The Story of Jatila the Brahmin 456
  (11) The Story of a Deceitful Brahmin 456
  (12) The Story of Kisagotami 457
  (13) The Story of a Brahmin 458
  (14) The Story of Uggasena, the Son of a Rich Man 458
  (15) The Story of the Two Brahmins 459
  (16) The Story of the Abusive Brahmin Brothers 460
  (17) The Story of Thera Sariptta 461
  (18) The Story of Thera Uppalavanna 462
  (19) The Story of a Certain Brahmin 463
  (20) The Story of Theri Khema 463
  (21) The Story of Thera Tissa 464
  (22)The Story of a Certain Bhikkhu 466
  (23) The Story of four Samaneras 467
  (24) The Story of Thera Mahapanthaka 468
  (25) The Story of Thera Pilindavaccha 469
  (26) The Story of a Certain Thera 469
  (27) The Story of Thera Sariputta 470
  (28) The Story of Thera Maha Moggallana 471
  (29) The Story of Samanera Revata 471
  (30) The Story of Thera Candabha 472
  (31) The Story of Thera Sivali 473
  (32) The Story of Thera Sundarasamudda 474
  (33) The Story of Thera Jatila 476
  (34) The Story of Thera Jotika 477
  (35) The Story of Thera Nataputtaka 479
  (36) The Story of Thera Naaputaka 479
  (37) The Story of Thera Vangisa 480
  (38) The Story of Theri Dhammadinna 481
  (39) The Story of Angulimala 482
  (40) The Story of Devahita  
  The Brahmin 483
  Glossary 485
  Index to first lines of Pali Verses 493
  List of Donors 501
  Corrigenda 531

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