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Dravya Guna Vigyan-II with Pharmacology (Comprehensive Study of Essential Medicinal Plants with Pharmacology as per CCIM Syllabus 2013-2014)

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Item Code: NAK741
Author: Dr. Naveeta Agrawal & Dr. Anil Agrawal
Language: English
Edition: 2015
ISBN: 9788189469580
Pages: 508 (65 B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 10.0 inch X 7.5 inch
Weight 890 gm
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Book Description

Dr Naveeta Agrawal is a very hard worker, devoted, sincere doctor, having profound knowledge of Dravyaguna. She has creativity and innovation in her personality. She creates new ideas to present the knowledge in suitable and comprehensive manner. I underwent her book of Dravyaguna and found that 110 drugs of long descriptions and 128 drugs of short description have been presented adequately. The diagrams and photos present in the book add to its glory. Drugs of animal origin have also been described appropriately. The relevant portions of modern pharmacology related to undergraduate course of Ayurveda makes this book more suitable for the students. I can imagine the pain bore by Dr Naveeta come out with such a nice creation. I hope this book will be of great help to the undergraduate students to gain the knowledge of the subject of Dravyaguna. I extend my hearty wishes and congratulate Dr. Naveeta for her new presentation in the form of this unique book of Dravyaguna.



Students who opt for B.A.M.S. (Course) have basic knowledge of botanical sciences, despite which they face problem in learning & understanding concepts of Dravya-guna due to lack of proper resources. So they don’t take interest in this important and vast subject. For excelling in Ayurvedic medicine, one needs good knowledge of medicines used.

To create interest and to provide knowledge in the subject, this book is introduced with following features- 1. The features of all long medicinal plants as per CCIM syllabus are described in a tabular form, each page contain two medicinal plants with their images.

2. Slokas of all the medicine plants are also given.

3. External morphology of the medicinal plants is given on the basis of botanical structure & their family character. Plants which are common in one family are described together.

4. Regional name are also mentioned in a separate table.

Part B- The introductory knowledge Annapana varga’s & the drugs of animal origin is also described separately.

Part C of this book covers lucid & simple description about modern pharmacology which can easily understood by BAMS students. For convience of the students, drugs dose, adverse effect & uses are mentioned in tabular form.

It has been seen by me & our colleagues that the students don’t to open the dictionary for the difficult words. So it has been tried to compile the brief meaning of all difficult words of the modern pharmacology.

The aim of this book is to create interest in the subject & provide all the information of dravya guna-2 as per CCIM syllabus in single place.




  Part A  
1 Detail Knowledge of drugs & Images  
  Agaru, Agnimantha 1,2
  Ahiphena, Amalaki 3,4
  Aparnarga, Aragvadha 5,6
  Adraka, Arjuna 7,8
  Arka, Asvagandha 9,10
  Asoka, Ativisa 11,12
  Bakuci, Bala-Atibala 13,14
  Bhallataka, Bharangi 15-16
  Bibhltaka, Bijaka/Vijayasara 17-18
  Bilva, Brahmi 19-20
  Briungaraja, Bruhati 21-22
  Canadanadvaya, Citraka 23-24
  Dadirna, Deodaru 25-26
  DhatakI, Durva 27-28
  Eladvyam, Eranda 29-30
  Garnbhari, Goksura 31-32
  Gudiicl, Haridra 33-34
  Guggulu, Haritaki 35-36
  Hingu, Jambu 37-38
  Jatamansi, Jatiphala 39-40
  Jirakadvaya, Jyotismati 41-42
  Kalamegha, Kampilla 43-44
  Kancanara, Kantakari 45-46
  Kapikacchu, Karkataksringi 47-48
  Kapura, Katukil 49-50
  Khadira, Kiratikta 51-52
  Kumari, Kumkuma kesara 53-54
  Kupilu, Kustha 55-56
  Kutaja, Lavanga 57-58
  Lodhra, Madanphla 59-60
  Manjistha.Marica 61-62
  Mandukaparni, Musta 63-64
  Nagakesara, Nimba 65-66
  Nirgundl, Parpata 67-68
  Palasha, Pashanabheda 69-70
  Patala, Prisnaparni 71-72
  Pippali-Pippallmula, Punarnava 73-74
  Puskarmula, Rohitaka 75-76
  Rasna, Rasona 77-78
  Saireyaka, Sallaki 79-80
  Sarivadvya, Satavari 81-82
  Sarpagandha, Salmali 83-84
  Salpal1lI,Sankhapu,spi 85-86
  Sigru, Sirisa 87-88
  Thalisa patra Tila 89-90
  Tivruta, Tulasl 91-92
  Syonaka, Tvaka 93-94
  Uslra, Vaca 95-96
  Varuna, Vasa 97-98
  Varahi, Vatsanabha 99-100
  VidarI, Vidanga 101-102
  Yasthimadhu, Yavani 103-104
  Daruharidra 105-106
  Slokas of long drugs 107-126
  Diagramatic view of external morphology of plant 127-138
  Acanthaceae (Vasa, Saireyaka, Kalamegha) 139
  Amranthaceaef.Apamarga) 140
  Anacardiaceae (Bhallataka, Karkatasringi) 140-141
  Apocynaceae (Kuta]a, Sarpagandha, Saptaparna) 141-142
  Araceae (Vaca) 142
  Asclepiadaceae (Arka, Sariva) 142-143
  Berbiridiaceae 144
  Bignonaceae (P~tala, Syonaka, Rohitaka) 145-146
  Bombaceae (Salamali) 146
  Bursearaceae (Guggulu, Sallakti 147
  Capparidaceae (Varana) 147-148
  Celastraceae(Jyotisamati) 148
  Combretaceae ( Arjuna, Bibhrtaka, Haritaki) 149
  Compositae (Briungaraja, Rasana) 150
  Convolvlaceae (Trivruta, Sankhapu,spi) 151
  Cyperaceae (Musts) 152
  Dioscoreaceae (Varahi) 153
  Euphorboaceae (Eranda, Kampilla, Amalakti 153-154
  Fumariaceae (Parpata) 155
  Leguminosae (Bakuci, Bijaka, Kapikacchu, Palasa, Salparpi, Vidari, Yasthimadhu, Markandika, Argvadha, Asoka, Kancanara, Khadira, Sirisa) 156-159
  Gentianaceae (Kiratikata) 159-160
  Graminae (Durva, Usira) 160-161
  Gutiferae (Nagakesara) 161-162
  Iridaceae (Kumkuma kesara) 162-163
  Labiateae (Tulasi) 163-164
  Lauraceae (Karpilra, Tvaka) 164-165
  Liliaceae (Kumari, Rasona, Satavan") 165-166
  Loganiaceae (Kupilu) 167
  Lythraceae (Dhatakl) 168
  Malvaceae (Bala, Atibala) 168-169
  Meliaceae (Nimba) 170
  Menispermaceae (Gudtici) 171-172
  Moringaceae (sigru) 172
  Myristaceae (Jatiphala) 173
  Myrsinaceae (Vidanga) 174
  Myrtaceae (Jambu, Lavanga) 175
  Nyctaginaceae (Punarnava) 176
  Papaveraceae (Ahipena) 177-178
  Pediliaceae (Tila) 178-179
  Pinaceae (Deodaru, Tallsapatra) 179-180
  Piperaceae (Marica, Pippali) 180-181
  Plumbaginaceae (Citraka) 182-183
  Puniaceae( Dadima) 183-184
  Rananculaceae (Vatsnabha, Ativisa) 184-185
  Rubiaceae (Madanaphala, Manji~tha) 186--187
  Rutaceae (Bilva) 187-188
  Santalaceae (Sveta Canadana) 188-189
  Saxifragaceae (Pasanabheda) 189-190
  Scrophulraceae (Brahml, Katuki) 190-191
  Solanaceae (Asvagandha, Bruhati, Kantakari) 191-192
  Symplocaceae (Lodhra) 193-194
  Thymaliaceae (Agaru) 194-195
  Umbelliferae (Hingu, Jlraka, Mandukapami, Yavanl) 195-196
  Valerianaceae (Jatamansi) 197-198
  Verbinaceae (Agnimantha, Bharangi, Gambharl, Nirgundi) 198-199
  Zingiberaceae(Adaraka, Ela.Haridra) 200-201
  Zygophyllaceae (Goksura) 201-202
  Regional name of long drugs 203-209
2 Brief knowledge of drugs (128 plants) 210-229
  Part B  
3 Drugs of Animal origin 230-238
4 Annapana varga 238-248
  Part C  
1 General Pharmacology-Indroduction, Definition, Scope  
2 Principles of Pharmacology 249-251
  Pharmacodynamics 252-261
  Pharmacokinetics 262-269
3 Anaesthetics 270-272
4 CNS depressant 273-275
5 Analgesic, Antipyretics & Non Steroidal Anti inflammatory 276-280
6 Antiepileptics 281-285
7 Anti-Hypertensive 286-292
8 Antianginal 293-296
9 Anti-Platelet 297-298
10 Hypolipidaemic 299-303
11 Haemopoetic 304-309
12 Coagulants 309-311
13 Styptics 312
14 Anticoagulants 313
15 Drugs for Cough & Asthma 314-321
16 Digestants 322
17 Carminatives 323
18 Antacids 324-325
19 Antiulcers 326-330
20 Laxatives 331-335
21 Antidiarrhoeals 336-338
22 Antiemetics 338-342
23 Hepatoprotective 343-345
24 Diuretics 346-352
25 Antidiuretiics 352-354
26 Lithotriptic 355
27 Hormonal therapy 356-358
28 Anti-obesity 359-360
29 Anti-diabetics 361-371
30 Antithyroid drugs 371-376
31 Oxytocic 377-379
32 Glactogogues 380
33 Hormonal Contraceptives 381-387
34 Antihistamins 388-391
35 Antimicrobial 392
  Sulfonamides 393-394
  Diamino -pyrimadnes 394
  Quinolones 395-397
  Lactam antibiotic (Penicillin) 398-403
  Tetracycline 404-405
  Nitrobenzene derivatives (Chloramphenicol etc.) 406-407
  Aminoglycosides (Amikacin etc.) 407-410
  Macrolide (Erthromycin etc.) 410-412
  Lincosamide (Clindamycin etc) 412
  Glycopeptide (Vanomycin etc.) 413
  Oxazolidinone 413
  Polypeptide antibiotic 414-415
  Nitrofuron derivatives 415
  Nitromidazoles (Anti-amoebic & Anti protozoal) 416-418
  Nicotinic acid derivatives (Anti tubercular) 419-423
  Anti leprotic 423-425
36 Antimalarial 426-430
37 Antifungal 431-438
38 Anthelminthics 438-441
39 Vitamins & minerals 442-443
40 Water imbalance & IV fluids 444-446
41 Vaccines 447-450
42 Antirabies serum 451
43 Antivenom 451
44 Local antiseptics 452-456
45 Drugs in opthalmic practice 457-460
46 Anti cancer drugs 461-468
47 Immunomodulatos 468
48 WHOs Essential drug list 469-471
Annexure-1 Some commonly used latin abbervations 472
Annexure-2 Important words & their meanings 473-482
  References 483-484
  Index 485-494

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