Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa (Volume V) (Vilasas 17-20)

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Item Code: IDJ612
Author: Srila Sanatana Gosvami
Language: Transliterated Text with English Translation
Edition: 2006
ISBN: 8184030134
Pages: 624
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 9.2" X 6.5"
Weight 1.80 kg
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Book Description


There are two kinds of Vedic literature-fruitive and transcendental. Those who are inclined toward the fruitive division naturally have no interest in transcendental literature. Human beings mound their lives, actions, concepts and conclusions according to their own taste. For this reason, the smartas also have more faith in the literature of their choice. Because they are not qualified to study transcendental literature, they lack faith in them. That is the arrangement of the creator. There is no doubt that there is a confidential purpose behind this. The purpose is that if one remains fixed in his own position, according to his qualifications, he will gradually make advancement. As soon one gives up the duties pertaining to his position, he becomes degraded.

When human beings are engaged in fruitive activities, they are called karmis, and when they are engaged in devotional service, they are called devotees. As long as one is attached to the performance of fruitive activities, he should follow the path of smarta because will be beneficial for him. If he somehow transcends the platform of fruitive activities and enters onto the platform of devotional service, he will naturally develop a taste for spiritual life. That is why the creator has made two sets of literature – fruitive and transcendental.

In order to strengthen the karmis' faith in fruitive activities, the smarta literature has prescribed many rules and regulations. Not only that, they have sometimes displayed an indifference towards transcendental literature, just to steady the karmis' faith in those rules and regulations. Although the two types of literature are actually one, they appear different to different people. Without being fixed in one's position, a person cannot attain any true benefit. For this reason, the Vedic because appears to be of two types.

In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.20.7-8) it is stated:
nirvinnanam, jnana-yoga nyasinam iha karmasu tesv anirvinna-cittanam karma-yogas tu kaminam

"Among these three paths, jnana-yoga, the path of philosophical speculation, is recommended for those who are disgusted with material life and are thus detached from ordinary, fruitive activities. These who are not disgusted with material life, having many desires yet to fulfill, should seek perfection through the path of karma-yoga."
yadrcchaya mat-kathadau jata-sraddhas tu yah puman na nirvinno nati-sakto bhakti-yoga' sya siddhi-dah

"If somehow or other by good fortune one develops faith in hearing and chanting My glories, such a person, being neither very disgusted with nor attached to material life, should achieve perfection through the path of loving devotion of Me."

Devotees are neither attached not detached. As long as one falsely thinks that he is the proprietor, he is under the influence of enjoyment and detachment. Devotees of the Lord are simply interested in serving Him. To renounce as mundane the objects that are related to Lord Hari is called pseudo renunciation, and to accept everything in relation to Lord Hari without attachment is called proper renunciation.

In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.3.44) it is stated:
paroksa-vado vedo 'yam' balanam anusasanam karma-moksaya karmani vidhatte hy agadam yatha

"Childish and foolish people are attached to materialistic, fruitive activities, although the actual goal of life is to became free from such activities. Therefore, the Vedic injunctions indirectly lead one to the path of ultimate liberation by first prescribing fruitive religious activities, just as a father promises his child candy so that the child will take his medicine."

In order to arrange for the observance of vows and rituals for those who desire to obtain the ultimate goal of life, Krsna-prema, the most merciful Lord Gaurahai, who is the deliverer of the people of Kali-yuga, instructed His associate, Srila Sanatana Gosvami, to compose the Vaisnava smrti, Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa.

The responsibility for accumulating evidence for the subject matters specified by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was entrusted to Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. That is why, in each chapter, Srila Sanatana Gosvami has mentioned the name of Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Srila Sanatana Gosvami has also written a commentary called Digdarsini for the easy and proper understanding of this literature.

From the Jacket

There are two kinds of Vedic literature fruitive and transcendental. Those who are inclined toward the fruitive division naturally have no interest in transcendental literature. Human being mould their lives, actions, concepts and conclusions according to their own taste. For this resin, the smartas also have more faith in the literature of their choice. Because they are not qualified to study transcendental literature, they lack faith in them. That is the arrangement of the creator. There is not doubt that there is a confidential purpose behind this. The purpose is that if one remains fixed in his own position, according to his qualifications, he will gradually make advancement. As soon one gives up the duties pertaining to his position, he becomes degraded.

When human beings are engaged in fruitive activities, they are called karmis, and when they are engaged in devotional service, they are called devotes. As long as one is attached to the performance of fruitive activities, he should follow the path of smarta because it will be beneficial for him. If he somehow transcends the platform of fruitive activities and enters onto the platform of devotional service, he will naturally develop a taste for spiritual life. That is why the creator has made two sets of literature-fruitive and transcendental.

Back of the Book

In order to arrange for the observance of vows and rituals for those who desire to obtain the ultimate goal of life, Krsna-prema, the most merciful Lord Gaurahari, who is the deliverer of the people of Kali-Yuga, instructed His associate, Srila Sanatana Gosvami, to compose the Vaisnava smrti, Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa.

The responsibility for accumulating evidence for the subject matters specified by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was entrusted to Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. That is why, in each chapter, Srila Sanatana Gosvami has mentioned the name of Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Srila Sanatana Gosvami has also written a commentary called Digdarsini for the easy and proper understanding of his literature.




Introduction   ix
Seventeenth Vilasa    
Discussion of purascarana   1
The necessity for performing purascarana   2
The glories of purascarana   3
The suitable place for performing purascarana   5
The benefits obtained by performing this ritual   7
Selecting the suitable place for performing purascarana   8
The process of preparing a kurma Cakra   10
The rules that govern eating   12
Things to be avoided   14
That which is to be done   16
The selection of a sitting mat   19
The rules governing the preparation of japa beads   21
Specific merit obtained by using various kinds of beads   23
The process for preparing a japamala   25
In the same section of the Sivagama it is stated   26
The process for purifying a japamala   29
Different kinds of beads are meant for different classes of people   30
The procedure for touching the finger joints while chanting   32
Other rules for chanting with a japamala   35
Criteria for chanting japa   37
Faults to be avoided while chanting japa   38
Prescribed atonement for faults in this regard   42
The various kinds of japa and their symptoms   44
The glories of chanting a mantra   46
Particular benefits obtained by chanting in various ways   47
The rules for conducting a fire sacrifice   56
The prescribed number of rounds to be chanted   57
The process for performing tarpana   61
The process for sprinkling water on one's head   62
The process of purascarana in brief   64
Alternatives in this connection   67
The symptoms of perfection in the chanting of mantras   68
The duty of one who has attained perfection by chanting   70
The method of achieving perfection in case of failure   71
Eighteenth Vilasa    
The manifestation of the Deity   77
The process for carving a Deity   79
The measurements of the Deity   81
That which is first to be performed   82
The mantra for offering worship   83
The measurement of the various limbs   84
The breadth of the Deity   87
Some considerations regarding the carving of a Gopala Deity   99
The size of a female Deity   102
The various sizes of different Deities   107
The Deity of Varahadeva   108
The Deity of Nrsimhadeva   109
The Deity of Trivikrama   110
The Deity of Matsya and Kurma   111
The Deity of Maha-Visnu   111
The Deity of Lokapala-Visnu   112
The Deity of Vasudeva   112
The Deity of Sankarsana   115
The Deity of Pradyumna   116
The Deity of Aniruddha   116
The Deity of Vamandeva   120
The Deity of Trivikrama   121
The Deity of Parasurama   121
The Deity of Lord Ramacandra   122
The Deity of Krsna   122
The Deity of Baladeva   122
The Deity of Pradyumna   123
The Deity of Kamadeva   123
The Deities of Aniruddha and Samba   124
The Deity of Gopala   124
The Deity of Lord Buddha   124
The Deities of Nara-Narayana   125
Various Deities of the supreme Lord   126
The Deity of laksmi Narayana   131
In the Visvakarma sastra it is stated   131
The deity of Yogasvami   132
The ten principal incarnations of the Supreme Lord   133
The characteristics of the Deity of Lord Kurma   134
The characteristics of the Deity of Lord Varaha   135
The Characteristics of the Deity of Lord Nrsimha   136
The characteristics of the Deity of Lord Vamana   138
The characteristics of the Deity of Lord Parasurama   139
Characteristics of the Deity of Lord Rama   140
Characteristics of Deity of Lord Balarama   141
Characteristics of Deity of Lord Buddha   141
Characteristics of Deity of Lord Kalki   142
Characteristics of Deity of the nine vyuha   142
Characteristics of Deity of Purusottama   148
Characteristics of Deity of Visvarupa   152
Characteristics of the Deity of the Supreme Lord   153
Characteristics of the Deity of Laksmi   154
Characteristics of the Deity of Garuda   158
The fault of carving a substandard or disfigured Deity   160
Deities of the Supreme Lord as manifested in different materials   162
How to choose a stone for carving a Deity   166
The process for begging pardon   172
The mantra for invoking the presence of the Lord   173
The duty of a sculptor   188
Nineteenth Vilasa    
The procedure for installing the Deity   203
The characteristics of installation   203
The glories of the Deity installation   204
The proper time for installing the Deity   212
The suitable place for installing a Deity   220
The qualifications of one who can install of the Deity   223
The beginning of the installation of an immovable Deity   232
The names of the sixteen mother of the universe   233
The size of the altar   240
Installing the water pitcher   242
A mandapa for bathing the Deity   245
Placing flags in the ground   246
The procedure for worshiping the dik-palas   249
The commencement of the installation ceremony   254
Invocation before the solemnization of ceremony   260
Bringing the Deity to the snana-mandapa   267
The prayer   270
Satisfying the sculptor   271
The abhiseka ceremony   273
The mantra to be chanted   273
Invoking the Deity's vision   275
Decorating the Deity's eyes with black ointment   278
Offering of arghya   278
The mantra for applying ointment   281
The special bathing ceremony   282
The glories of abhiseka   293
The procedure for moving the Deity   293
The procedure for installing the Deity   300
Invoking life into the Deity   307
The fire sacrifice   311
The names of the eight murttis   314
The glories of the adhivasa ceremony   323
The procedure of digging a pit in the temple   323
The procedure for purifying the Deity's stand   328
The Deity's arrival at the principal mandapa   329
The mantras for offering gems   339
Specific articles offered to achieve specific benedictions   347
The auspicious bathing of the Deity   352
Offering gifts to Indra and others   355
Placing the Deity's stand in the pit   358
Activities to be performed after the Deity installation ceremony   362
Mantras to be chanted while touching the limbs of the Deity   363
The six mantras   364
Special instructions for chanting the mantras   365
The grand worship   371
The mantra for inviting the Lord   372
Symptoms indicating that the Lord has appeared in the Deity   377
The procedure for worshiping the acarya   380
The procedure for permanently establishing the Deity   383
Activities to be performed on the fourth day   391
The final bathing of the Deity   394
The performance of the fire sacrifice   400
Erecting a flag   404
The procure for installing a movable Deity   418
The glories of installing a moveable Deity   438/td>
The procedure for drawing auspicious symbols, or mandalas   440
The procedure for greeting a brahmana   441
The procedure for worshiping Vastudeva, or the guardian deity   442
The procedure for bathing the Diety   443
The mantra for bathing the Deity   445
The procedure for offering garments of the Deity   447
Offering prayers and gifts to the Deity   448
The procedure for waking up the Lord   451
The mantra for offering flowers   455
The method for respecting the acarya   457
The merit obtained by installing a Deity   458
The glories of renovation of the Deity   477
Twentieth Vilasa    
The procedure for building a temple   479
The proper time for constructing a temple   485
The suitable place for building the temple room   489
The procedure for purifying the location   490
The procedure for acquiring land   497
The method for determining the suitable direction   499
The procedure for worshiping the guardian deity   512
The procedure for building the foundation   523
The characteristics of the stone   531
The characteristics of a temple   537
Some special characteristics of a mandapa   551
The procedure for selecting a gate   555
The procedure for building walls   559
Planting trees around the temple   560
Renovation of a temple   562
The installation and marriage ceremony of Tulasi-devi   564
The conclusion   570
The duties of an unalloyed devotee   572

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