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Yoga and the three Gunas - The Connection and Connotation

Yoga is an Indian school of philosophical thought that urges individuals to follow some principles of exercises and meditation, in order to stay fit and healthy. According to the yoga teachings, prakriti is a combination of three elements, or gunas, whose relationships and proportions to one another are continually changing. Their actions either hide or clearly indicate the presence of purusha, who is the witness of their movements, depending on their various attributes. The three gunas are as follows-

  1. Sattva: Sattva appears as harmony, enlightenment, and purity. It is the quality of kindness, happiness, fulfillment, nobility, and contentment. It is devoid of hostility, rage, fear, and hatred. It is  innocent and forgiving. By lowering rajas and tamas, both in your thoughts and in your body, you can increase sattva. Fresh, pure, and growing above the ground, sattvic foods get their positive vitality from the sun.

  1. Rajas: Rajas manifests as motion, energy, passion, and activity. Rajas are characterized by a sense of attachment, a yearning for fulfillment, and a longing. A rajasic teacher aspires to have worshiping disciples. Rajasic teachers try to impress and enthrall their disciples by their appearance, histrionic tricks, and desire. Rajasic teachers practice what they preach.

  1. Tamas: The Guna, Tamas deal with our perverted nature- the choice of being unethical, unperturbed laziness, and ignorance; and is often attributed to intake of meat and alcohol; or lifestyle choices like eating way too much or oversleeping.

Every sort of Illusion or Maya has some sort of Guna in it. As human beings, Maya continues to influence our lives, if we are dependent on any of these Gunas. There are two ways in which an individual can achieve Enlightenment by tweaking the amount of either of the gunas present in a human being- balancing the effect of rajas and tamas by advancing the effect of the sattva. 

Yoga and its system of Chakras

According to yoga, the physical body, ideas, feelings, and energy are all centered in the chakras. According to yogic gurus, people's emotional responses, wants and aversions, levels of confidence and fear, and even physical symptoms and repercussions are all influenced by their chakras. The 7 chakras important for Yoga are-

  1. Root Chakra: The pelvic floor is the location of the root chakra, the first of the seven chakras. It serves as our foundation and ties us to the planet. It makes us physically robust and secure while keeping us anchored in embodied reality. It contains the instincts that drive us to eat, sleep, have sex, and survive. It is also the domain of our phobias and avoidances.

  1. Pelvic Chakra: The seat of the reproductive framework and the wellspring of our needs, the Pelvic chakra is a part of the sacrum. We can get to our ability for both erotic delight and healing when our awareness is permitted to take advantage of this area.

  1. Navel Chakra: One of the seven chakras—the navel chakra—is related to the digestive system, the element of fire, as well as personal power and purpose.

  1. Heart Chakra: According to the Himalayan Tantric tradition, the heart chakra, located in the middle of the chest, is the most potent chakra of all and the actual "place of the soul." The best qualities of a person—compassion, unwavering love, and unwavering confidence in the Divine—can radiate from the heart. However, it also has the power to reflect our most intense emotions of uncertainty, disappointment, loneliness, and hopelessness.

The other chakras are- Throat Chakra, Third-eye Chakra, and the Crown Center.


Q1. Who is the father of modern yoga in India?

Tirumalai Krishnamacharya is the father of Modern Yoga in India.

Q2. What is Yoga’s last stage?

Samadhi or Enlightenment is the final stage of the practice of Yoga.